home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1998-10-13 | 199.1 KB | 3,816 lines |
- .------------------------------------------------------------.
- | File List Updated On: 11:57:11 13-10-98 |
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- `------------------------------------------------------------'
- Anybody wanting MAXs support, or help starting a new MAXs BBS.. then call
- GREMLiNS BBS and have access to the largest MAXs files collection in the
- Southern Hemisphere (..if not the World)... Over 730 MAXs files including
- updates, games, utils, guides, etc. Download the full listings on Aminet!
- Regards,
- _______ _____ ______ _____ __ __ gmartin@technet2000.com.au
- ( ) . ) __ )__ | | |
- / | | | | < | |_ _| [ Oz Fluffy Net HQ. GM and FLE WHQ ]
- \__|_| |__| |__|) ) | | | | [ Oz NSA, LSD, BSP and MAXsPro HQ! ]
- `--' `--' `--' `--' `-'
- [ GREMLiNS BBS ][ +61-7-3807-6884 ][ 24 Hrs at 33.6k ][ kICK aRSE bBS! ]
- .------------------------------------------------------------.
- | File Size DLs Date Description |
- `------------------------------------------------------------'
- Section #2 - MAXsBBS & MAXsPRO
- ACCESS12.LHA 4k 01 310198 Configurable security door for MAXsBBS v1.2
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- ACCOUNT.LHA 6k 02 310198 For new users to allow them to register on
- your BBS, so to obtain axs.
- ACESSDOOR222.LHA 16k 02 310198 =================================
- | PalaceSoft Presents.... |
- | Access Door v2.21 - 02-Jan-96 |
- | Written by - Ashly Braggins |
- | aka King Lion Heart |
- | for Max's BBS 1.52-54 |
- =================================
- ADD-AP10.LHA 11k 05 310198 .------------------------------------------.
- | ___/\______/\______ |
- | .-----/ \_____ \_____ \----. |
- ! | // | \ | \\ | \\ | !
- : | // _ \ | \\ | \\ | :
- : | (____| \______/_______/ | :
- . `-----> l____/presents <-------' .
- : :
- . .:[· Alpha Power v1.0 ·]:. .
- : Very nice onlinegame for Max's BBS :
- . By Daniel Laneby 1996! .
- `------------------------------------------'
- ADDER.LHA 8k 01 310198 ______ __/\__ ____ ___ ______________
- _\ __/__\____/__\_ ( ) Y ___ ___ __/_
- \__ l _Y _Y - _Y .l _Y¬ _Y\__ \_
- || \__ \__ \__ | \__ \__ ¬ __/
- |`-------^----^------^--^----^----^------'|
- | |
- | NoName Fileadder preview! |
- | |
- | For Maxsbbs & MaxsPro |
- | |
- `--[Outer Space BBS +47 624 20514]--÷noB÷-'
- ADMIT!.LHA 15k 01 310198 MAXs security door
- ADULTDOOR.LHA 26k 01 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Multiventure door
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- ADV.LHA 46k 00 310198 Adventure game door
- AFIX_FMGR.LHA 3k 00 310198 Explanation of Areafix and Filemanager for
- message echos, etc ...
- AIENINVASION.LHA 2k 00 310198 Adventure for Multi-Door program
- ALIFE101.LHA 7k 01 310198 CLI door, using MAXsShell
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- ALLFILES.LHA 2k 02 310198 Door that lists all files online ...
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- ALPHASHIFT.LHA 10k 01 310198 Shift files program
- AMISCANNER.LHA 37k 01 310198 /--\ /-\ |-- | | | | | |
- | |_/ |__ |\/| | | |\ |
- | -\ |\ | | | | | | \|
- \--/ | \ |__ | | |__ | | |
- Brings to you:
- /-------------------------------------\
- | AmiScanner v1.9 (2) Maxs BBS Util |
- | For Creating Config Files For |
- | CDROM Door And KewlCD/KewlCDPro |
- \-------------------------------------/
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- AMISCANNER2.LHA 58k 03 310198 /--\ /-\ |-- | | | | | |
- | |_/ |__ |\/| | | |\ |
- | -\ |\ | | | | | | \|
- \--/ | \ |__ | | |__ | | |
- Brings to you:
- /-------------------------------------\
- | AmiScanner v2.0 Maxs BBS Util |
- | For Creating Config Files For |
- | CDROM Door And KewlCD/KewlCDPro |
- \-------------------------------------/
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- AMSG0.01.LHA 8k 02 310198 AutoMsg v0.01 *BETA*
- --------------------
- A door for MAXsBBS v1.52 that allows users
- to leave a msg that is shown to all
- users upon logon, ie an AutoMsg.
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-9870-4393
- Largest MAXs Support Site in Australia
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- AMY_V1.00.LHA 5k 00 310198 Semi-Intelligent Puter Chat Door ...
- ANDROID.LHA 59k 01 310198 MAXs Game: Android Fight
- ANSIMAX.LHA 4k 01 310198 AnsiMAX for Max's BBS 1.54 or /X\ax's Pro2
- by Olly Koenders : 31-12-97
- Max's door that displays ansi's for
- Max's (intro's, adverts etc..).
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- ANSISCROLL.LHA 15k 01 310198 Converts asci text files into scrolling ansi
- files for viewing, for MAXs BBS ...
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- ANSWER.LHA 28k 00 310198 BBS answer program ...
- ANTIALIAS145.LHA 13k 00 310198 Enables Alias's to be used on MAXs boards.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- AOWORD.LHA 9k 00 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Adult only word game
- AREABOUNCER.LZX 11k 00 310198 Security type door for MAXs BBS...
- ARENAV1.LHA 24k 01 310198 Arena Game
- MDN-S10.LHA 9k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | MagicStats v1.0 for MBRS v2.0 |
- |---------------------------------- |
- | Nice StatusDoor for all MBRS2.0 |
- | boards. Shows number of uploads |
- | downloads, Last time online etc. |
- | |
- |Support: WarLock BBs +46-522-37572 |
- |-----------------------------------|
- | (C) 1996 by Henrik Olsson |
- `-----------------------------------'
- MDN-S11.LHA 9k 01 310198 -============================-
- MagicDesign Presents
- MagicStatus v1.1
- NEW Statusdoor for MBRS2.0!
- -============================-
- MDN-S12.LHA 12k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | MagicStatus v1.2 for MBRS v2.0 |
- |---------------------------------- |
- | Nice StatusDoor for all MBRS2.0 |
- | boards. Shows number of uploads |
- | downloads, Allowed downloads etc. |
- | |
- |Support: WarLock BBs +46-522-37572 |
- |-----------------------------------|
- | (C) 1996 by Henrik Olsson |
- `-----------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MDN-T11.LHA 58k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | MagicTopList v1.1 for MBRS v2.0 |
- |---------------------------------- |
- | Fast Toplist generator for all |
- | MBRS2.0 boards. Easy to install |
- | and nice ansi output. |
- | |
- |Support: WarLock BBs +46-522-37572 |
- |-----------------------------------|
- | (C) 1996 by Henrik Olsson |
- `-----------------------------------'
- º Û°°Û° Û° Û° Û° Û° ° Û°°Û° °°°Û° º
- º Û° Û° °°°° °°°° °°Û° °°Û° Û° º
- º °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° ° º
- º Max's door that allows users to have º
- º up to 10 custom menus to suit themselves º
- º or others. Small, fast and EASY! º
- º Assembled 01-11-97 by Olly. All Amigas. º
- MESSYHEAD20.LZX 5k 00 310198 Message Header package for written msgs!
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- OPTIMIZ_INST.LHA 22k 00 310198 -------------------------------------------
- Msg optimiser/installer for the great MAXs!
- -------------------------------------------
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- WALL.LZX 12k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | Update for The Graffiti Wall door |
- | by Peter Zelezny (exe.file only) |
- `-----------------------------------'
- WALL_0797.LZX 15k 00 310198 .---------------------------------.
- | Peter Zelezny's GRAFFiTi WALL |
- | -- Updated by: Glen Martin -- |
- | AMiGA (ANTi-iBM) Related Tags |
- | Allows Download of Wall.data! |
- | Version: 4.69 Date: 09-Jul-97 |
- `---------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- WIPEOUT_V10.LHA 6k 02 310198 Excellent MAXs Game, by Peter Zelezny.
- WOLFTRACKER.LZX 6k 02 310198 .----------------------------------------.
- : __ __ _____ :
- : \ \ / / |_ _| :
- : \ \/\/ / | | :
- : \_/\_/ olf |_| racker :
- : :
- : Support Script for /X\2 :
- : :
- : Can tracks users movements from when :
- : they log on till when they log off :
- : :
- :Graveyard BBS 01708 452284 24hours 56.7k:
- WRDSCRAM.LZH 11k 01 310198 Maxs game: word sramble
- LUNAR.LHA 16k 01 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / Lunar Lander \
- \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
- / \
- \ Arcade game for Maxs BBS /
- / \
- \ Source code included (Amos) /
- / \
- \ E-mail: phoenixbbs@cableinet.co.uk /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-252-1282 24hrs/\/\/
- LUCKY.LZX 14k 02 310198 "Lucky Day" is a door for MAXs BBS that
- randomly selects whether it's the users
- lucky day and if it is it gives them a
- random amount of extra time online.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- LNARLANDER12.LHA 8k 02 310198 .-------------------------------.
- | Challenging Strategy Game for |
- | the great M A X's BBS. |
- | Version 1.2 |
- `-------------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS marty@bit.net.au
- LSL.LHA 6k 01 310198 Light-Speed-Login by Olly Koenders!
- Enables quick login for SysOp & Users!
- For Maxs BBS or Maxs Pro!
- LT_DISPLAY.LHA 14k 01 310198 _________ ______________ __________
- /\ __ \__/_____ _____/\/ ___ /\
- \ \__/ /\ \___ / /\____\/\____\___/_/
- \/_/ /_/__\__/ /_/____\_/ ______ \_\
- \_\__________/ \____ ____/ \______/_/_/
- .---------[ LiThIuM SyStEmS BbS ]--------.
- | PrOgRaMa : Lithium Display |
- | VeRsAo : V1.0 |
- | Autor : Cristian Robert Gallas |
- | NickName : SuRRouND |
- | Email : surround@iname.com |
- | DaTa : 20/05/1997 |
- LT_DOWNLIST.LHA 45k 01 310198 _________ ______________ __________
- /\ __ \__/_____ _____/\/ ___ /\
- \ \__/ /\ \___ / /\____\/\____\___/_/
- \/_/ /_/__\__/ /_/____\_/ ______ \_\
- \_\__________/ \____ ____/ \______/_/_/
- .---------[ LiThIuM SyStEmS BbS ]--------.
- | PrOgRaMa : DownList |
- | VeRsAo : V1.0 |
- | Autor : Cristian Robert Gallas |
- | NickName : SuRRouND |
- | Email : surround@iname.com |
- | DaTa : 20/05/1997 |
- LT_FNEWS.LHA 16k 01 310198 _________ ______________ __________
- /\ __ \__/_____ _____/\/ ___ /\
- \ \__/ /\ \___ / /\____\/\____\___/_/
- \/_/ /_/__\__/ /_/____\_/ ______ \_\
- \_\__________/ \____ ____/ \______/_/_/
- .---------[ LiThIuM SyStEmS BbS ]--------.
- | PrOgRaMa : LithiumFNews |
- | VeRsAo : V1.0 |
- | Autor : Cristian Robert Gallas |
- | NickName : SuRRouND |
- | Email : surround@iname.com |
- | DaTa : 20/05/1997 |
- LT_WALL.LHA 27k 00 310198 _________ ______________ __________
- /\ __ \__/_____ _____/\/ ___ /\
- \ \__/ /\ \___ / /\____\/\____\___/_/
- \/_/ /_/__\__/ /_/____\_/ ______ \_\
- \_\__________/ \____ ____/ \______/_/_/
- .---------[ LiThIuM SyStEmS BbS ]--------.
- | PrOgRaMa : Lithium Wall |
- | VeRsAo : V1.0 |
- | Autor : Cristian Robert Gallas |
- | NickName : SuRRouND |
- | Email : surround@iname.com |
- | DaTa : 20/05/1997 |
- MACD.LHA 10k 00 310198 __/\ _______________ _____________/\__
- \, Y \ ___/ __Y _ \ \ _ /
- / | T \ __/ __| _ -\ T \ l \
- .-/ l l \ l/ l l \ l d-LIGHT\-.
- |-gt^sy------------------------------------|
- | MaxsALLChange V2.0 |
- | |
- | by Cool96 |
- | Have rotating menus/texts in 1 complete |
- MAILBOX-PRO!.LHA 5k 01 310198 maxs pro mailbox package
- MAILFIX.LZX 3k 00 310198 Fixes the non-FTSC compliance mail packets
- as are being generated/used by MAX'sBBS.
- Use this utility and tell your HUB to shutup
- ARISDOOR.LHA 699k 00 310198 Ari's doors and source codes (c) for MAX's.
- ARTGALLERY.LHA 4k 00 310198 .--------------------------.
- | MAXs Door -- Art Gallery |
- | by Peter Zelezny |
- `--------------------------'
- ASDOORS4MAXS.LHA 110k 01 310198 AMOS Doors package for MAXs BBS.
- ASTATS.LHA 5k 01 310198 Shows a few computer and BBS stats
- ASTORY.LHA 5k 00 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Story door
- AWALL.LHA 3k 00 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Graffiti wall
- AWARRIORS.LHA 90k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | Game Door for the Great M A X's ! |
- `-----------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- BACKDOOR.LHA 15k 03 310198 ____ __ ________
- ___________ __\_ \(_/__\___ ( ___________
- RexxWorks | / / \ / /| RexxWorks
- ____1997___| / /_ \ /\ / |___1997____
- `--\___/wsg-/__/\__\-'
- The Beta Meta version of "BACKDOOR"
- filebrowser with lotsa features for
- - Maxsbbs & MaxPRO -
- MaxRexx Required
- BADNAMES.LHA 22k 00 310198 /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / BAD Names - Max's BBS Door \ \/
- / /\ Version 1.1 - 16-Jan-97 /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- BANNERADDV1.LHA 10k 02 310198 BBS Advert banner adder v1.0
- BANNERCOLLV2.LHA 20k 02 310198 Banner adder and more for MAXs, registered.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- BAUDANAL.LHA 18k 02 310198 .-[ TURBOSOFT 1996 ]-----------------------.
- | |
- | BaudAnalys v1.0 For MAX's BBS 1.5x |
- | |
- | Makes A List Over All Connects & Baud |
- | Rates, From 300 - 33600.. GRAB THIS ONE! |
- `------------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- BBSCAN.LHA 3k 01 310198 BBSscan - Scan Heaps of Data of Users/BBS
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- File Import/Export by The Nut Factory BBS
- OZZie MAX'sBBS Support with Files/Echos
- Call on +61 2 822 4366 14.4k - 6 node
- Call on +61 2 822 5969 28.8k - 2 node
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- BBSPROT1.LHA 11k 00 310198 Protects iconified BBS window from prying -
- by Mikael Kinnun
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- BBSVIEW.LHA 13k 00 310198 .--[ BBS View - Version 1.0 ]---------------.
- ;-------------------------------------------;
- |BBS View is a paragon compatable door which|
- |allows you to display a bbs list online and|
- |add/modify/delete entries at will, by SysOp|
- `-------------------------------------------'
- .------[ GREMLiNS BBS 61-3-9870-4393 ]------.
- `-----------[ MAXs Support Site ]-----------'
- BBS_CHECK.LHA 28k 01 310198 :==3/12/97==[ BBS Check v1.00 ]==========:
- (| |)
- |) Tiny util to check for Max's BBS (|
- (| Bombs... Crap, but does the job! |)
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- BDAYDOORV3.LHA 7k 01 310198 Birthday door for MAXs.
- BEATODDS.LHA 14k 02 310198 MAXs Game: Beat the Odds
- BKJACK_V1.10.LHA 6k 00 310198 Excellent BlackJack game for MAXs
- by Peter Zelezny
- ----------[ MAXs Support 61-3-9870-4393 ]---
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- BLACKJACK115.LHA 6k 01 310198 ---------------------------------------
- BlackJack v1.1 Written By Peter Zelezny
- ------------ for Max's BBS ------------
- ---------------------------------------
- v1.15 Update By Glen Martin of GREMLiNS
- ---------------------------------------
- _______ _____ ______ _____ __ __
- ( ) . ) __ )__ | | |
- / | | | | < | |_ _|
- \__|_| |__| |__|) ) | | | |
- `--' `--' `--' `--' `-'
- [ GREMLiNS BBS ][ +61-3-98704393 ]
- BNAMES.LHA 5k 00 310198 Bad Users Names program
- BOOR_STARTER.LHA 3k 02 310198 Basic door starter source for MAXs doors
- BOUNCER.LHA 10k 00 310198 Security door for MAXs
- BROWSER.LHA 13k 01 310198 ______ __/\__ ____ ___ ______________
- _\ __/__\____/__\_ ( ) Y ___ ___ __/_
- \__ l _Y _Y - _Y .l _Y¬ _Y\__ \_
- || \__ \__ \__ | \__ \__ ¬ __/
- |`-------^----^------^--^----^----^------'|
- | |
- | Preview of a File browser made in Arexx |
- | |
- | For Maxsbbs & MaxsPro |
- | |
- `--[Outer Space BBS +47 624 20514]--÷noB÷-'
- BSHIPS.LHA 19k 03 310198 MAXs Game: Battleships
- MW.LZX 45k 01 310198 Monster Wrestling - Converted to MAX'sBBS
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MWALL103.LHA 16k 00 310198 MockWall V1.03 Special Edition
- MaxsBBS Wall door
- 99% configurable, easy to install, many
- options in config, etc.
- Made by: Zanius Of TMP
- Greets to: Sysop Of Sharkys BBS
- MXSECURESKIP.LHA 16k 00 310198 MAXs Secure
- MX_RIP_PATCH.LHA 44k 02 310198 ³This File Came From... ³
- ³³ ³ ³ ³ À¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³À¿ ÚÙ³³
- ³ÃÄÂÄÙ ÃÄÄ ³ À¿ÀÄÂÄ´ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÙ ³³
- ³³ À¿ ³ ³ ÚÙ ÚÙ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³³
- ³--(01635) 867428 - 10PM - 7AM ONLY!--³
- ³MAX's v1.5R Updater Software!!! ³
- ³Lets MAX's Finally Use RIP Graphics!!³
- ³D/L NOW! - It's Seriously KEWL :)))))³
- M_QUEST_V1.0.LHA 6k 00 310198 --------------------------------
- Multi-Quest ; questionnaire door
- --------------------------------
- RENTSPACE13A.LHA 11k 00 310198 =================================
- | PalaceSoft Presents.... |
- | Rent Space v1.3a - 08-Jan-96 |
- | Written by - Ashly Braggins |
- | aka King Lion Heart |
- | for Max's BBS 1.52-54 |
- =================================
- RNDBBS04.LHA 14k 01 310198 +------------------------------------------+
- | MegaSoft is proud to present RNDBBS 0.4 |
- | ---------------------------------------- |
- | Random BBS-Adds for MAXsBBS. |
- | Full Ansi-support |
- | Upto 20 text files can be showed |
- | |
- | Done in Amos for MAXsBBS 1.54! |
- | |
- | Random BBS Version 0.4 By Caro |
- +------------------------------------------+
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- RNDLOGIN.LHA 22k 00 310198
- .-)-> Random Login v1.0 <-(-.
- | by Frank Pedersen 1997. |
- | |
- | Slumpar Login.text, du kan |
- | ha flera hundra olika som |
- | det skall väljas emellan. |
- | Snabbt CLI prog som du kör |
- | i logoff eller när du vill |
- `-----------------------------'
- RSAD301.LHA 41k 00 310198 =================================
- | PalaceSoft Presents.... |
- | Remote Sysop Access Door |
- | v3.01 -- 15-Mar-96 |
- | Compiled by -- Ashly Braggins |
- | aka King Lion Heart |
- | for Max's BBS 1.52-54 |
- =================================
- RUE-PSW.LHA 61k 00 310198 Remote User Editor
- SAFE2.LZH 14k 00 310198 game door
- SCAPE_10.LHA 13k 01 310198 ____ ____ ___ ____ ___
- : __T _T . T . T __:
- . :__ : :_: : _: __:
- : :____:____:_:_:__: :___: .
- | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :
- | -cODE-mAXS-dOORS-iN-E!- ³
- SCREENSHOTS.LZX 19k 00 310198 Some screenshots of MBRS v2.0
- º Û°°Û° Û° Û° Û° Û° ° Û°°Û° °°°Û° º
- º Û° Û° °°°° °°°° °°Û° °°Û° Û° º
- º °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° ° º
- º Scribbler V1.2 - Animated messages to º
- º "next caller" for Max's BBS. Easy setup º
- º Everything included & freeware to boot :) º
- º Assembled 13-10-97 by Olly. All Amigas. º
- SECTORII.LHA 18k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | Game Door for the Great M A X's ! |
- `-----------------------------------'
- SEXYSUE.LHA 6k 01 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Semi-IQ chat door
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- SHARKPICS01.LHA 240k 00 310198 Pics of a MAXs System in Europe.. not bad!
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- KEWLSTATS.LHA 41k 02 310198 User stats Door for Max`s BBS
- KEWLSTORY10.LZX 42k 01 310198 |) /~~~~~\/~~~\ /~~~~~~\/~\ /~~\ (|
- (| / _____/ \/ _____/ \/ \|)
- |) / \ / ! \ \ \ \|
- (|/ ___// : \ ___/ \ /)
- |)\ \ \ \ /\ /(|
- (| \_____/\_________/____/_/ \____/ |)
- |==(|================[pReSeNtS]==|)===|
- KewlStory V1.0 for MAXs by Steve Clack
- Lets your users make up a kewl story! :)
- KFB-SPEEDUP.LHA 11k 01 310198 KFBspeedup is a utility to speed up
- file listings for Maxs BBS & KFB
- Author: Colin Wilson (comm/bbs/maxs)
- KFB10.LZX 36k 00 310198 +----THIS is the file system from HELL!----+
- : _ _ ____ _ :
- : Krion's | / | | -/<-RaD :
- : |/ | | -File :
- : 100% < +-- +---+ -Base! :
- : ASM! |\ | | | :
- : | \ | |___|(C) /<-RaD ASCII :
- :*V1.0* - FIRST FULL Pty. Ltd. 1995 :
- : VERSION! - !Upgrade by ACCOLYTE! :
- : File_ID.diz & Byte ratios for MAXs BBS :
- : FAST & FREE! Now with HEAPS of features! :
- +------------------------------------------+
- KFBSCRIPT.LZX 3k 00 310198 ThE
- _______/\________________________________
- | \____¬(_______ _____ ¬\ _¬\ ____ ___/|
- | / __/ ¬\ _ / _ / |_/ ___)___ ¬\|
- | \___| \_ /__| \__| \___| \___________/|
- | \_/ `--' Of DsK |
- |__________________________________________|
- | PreSeNT... |
- | ---------------- |
- | KFB V1.1 LZH/LZX Extract.Scripts |
- | [PgR] Parental Guidance Reccommended |
- `------------------------------------------'
- KIKUGI.LHA 9k 02 310198 .------------------------------.
- | Board game called Kikugi |
- | by Peter Zelezny |
- `------------------------------'
- KLHTB11.LHA 29k 00 310198 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / KLH Time Bank/Loan System \ \/
- / /\ (c)1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Created By, Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Version 1.1 -- 28-Apr-1997 /\ \
- \/ / This program is classed as \ \/
- / /\ FREEWARE /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- KNIGHTR.LHA 20k 02 310198 knight realms game door
- KWALL103.LHA 4k 00 310198 new and improved features of the best wall
- door for MAXsBBS..
- LABBY.LHA 149k 00 310198 ==================================
- Labby Unregistered Version.
- Game door for Maxs BBS.
- D/loaded from
- Beginners BBS (08) 8281-5872
- ==================================
- LEMMINGS.LHA 45k 04 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | Game Door for the Great M A X's ! |
- `-----------------------------------'
- LEVELM10.LHA 34k 01 310198 'LevelMan' is a neat "little" program
- to be used as a door for MAX's BBS...
- LLANDER.LHA 29k 01 310198 .---------------------------.
- | Lunar Lander |
- :---------------------------:
- | Challenging Strategy Game |
- | For the great M A X's BBS |
- `---------------------------'
- LOTTO12.LHA 5k 00 310198 =================================
- | PalaceSoft Presents.... |
- | Lotto Door v1.2 - 20-Jan-96 |
- | Written by - Ashly Braggins |
- | aka King Lion Heart |
- | for Max's BBS 1.52-54 |
- =================================
- QWIK_ADD.LHA 9k 01 310198 Files adder for MAXs
- RANDOMTEXT.LHA 19k 00 310198 Hi mate, hows ya guts going?
- Just got a spare recorder again, so will be d
- doing those samplers overe the
- next few days.
- Catch ya mate
- SS
- RATIOED.LHA 6k 01 310198 ____ __ ________
- ___________ __\_ \(_/__\___ ( ___________
- RexxWorks | / / \ / /| RexxWorks
- ____1998___| / /_ \ /\ / |___1998____
- `--\___/wsg-/__/\__\-'
- ByteRatio Editor for MaxPro v2.07+
- Outer Space bbs +47 624 20514
- HANGMAX_V1.0.LHA 7k 01 310198 Excellent MAXs game by Peter Zelezny
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- HIDDENTWIT.LHA 15k 03 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / Hidden-Twit by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / This will stop known hackers \
- \ gaining access to your BBS. /
- / \
- \ Runs 'quietly' as a door & /
- / will boot off known assailants \
- \ using name or wildcard matches /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- REMOVEDEAD.LHA 3k 00 310198 Twisted Logic Inc
- Presents
- Remove Dead V1.0
- Small programme for KFB and KWALL to remove
- the user files for the above two programmes
- for users that are no longer on your system.
- by Prowler / Cydonia^Twisted Logic Inc.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- SMARTY.LHA 5k 00 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Graffiti wall
- SMFLC12.LZX 5k 00 310198 SmartMessageFromLastCaller - cAPPuCCiNo -
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- SPCEMP009.LHA 42k 03 310198 Updated Space Empire: More Graphical, but
- not better than the original by Ari
- SPCEMPIRE.LHA 31k 01 310198 Excellent game for MAXs: Space Empire
- --[ GREMliNS BBS 61-3-9870-4393 ]----------
- SUPERBANK420.LHA 45k 01 310198 Super Bank door v4.2
- SYSOPUTIL10.LZX 2k 00 310198 SysopUtil is a small utility door,
- as a file viewer for sysops at logon.
- Simple displays text files anytime...
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TESTARC10.LHA 2k 00 310198 Archive Tester door for MAXs BBS. Takes
- path parameter. Written in Assy by Gaz.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TRANSUPE.LHA 13k 01 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ ***** UPDATED EXECUTABLE ***** /
- / Transversion by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / Arcade style game, collect the \
- \ '*'s and dodge the bullets. /
- / \
- \ This is probably the nearest thing /
- / to an online arcade game you'll \
- \ find for Maxs BBS /
- / ***** UPDATED EXECUTABLE ***** \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- TRANSVEN.LHA 14k 01 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / Transversion by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / Arcade style game, collect the \
- \ '*'s and dodge the bullets. /
- / \
- \ This is probably the nearest thing /
- / to an online arcade game you'll \
- \ find for Maxs BBS /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- TREK-ADVENT.LHA 5k 00 310198 game addon for multi door
- TRIVIA.LZH 17k 00 310198 game door
- TRUEFREE10.LHA 2k 01 310198 Allow free true downloads via maxs
- TST-ANI10.LHA 41k 01 310198 .------------------------------------------.
- | TurboSoft Proudly Presents In 1996 |
- | TurboANIGuard v1.0 ßeta |
- |------------------------------------------|
- | MAX's BBS Door to use with BananANI |
- | Keep out Hackers, UnWanted users Etc. |
- | Execute scripts for differents types of |
- | calls, password option included. |
- | 4 WB utils included to make everything |
- | very easy (ReqTools) GRAB THIS ONE! |
- `------------------------------------------'
- TST-BBS140.LHA 15k 00 310198 --------------------------------------------
- TurboSoft Present TurboBBSLister v1.40
- --------------------------------------------
- A BBS Lister For MAX's BBS 1.5x
- Probably The Best For MAX Available.
- With Lot's Of Features
- Fully Written In C.
- --------------------------------------------
- Author: Christian Vigard / TurboSoft
- --------------------------------------------
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TURBOSYSW10.LZX 13k 03 310198 _______ __________ _______
- <_ _ /_/ / __ / |/ / ___/
- > / // __ / __ / / | / /_/\
- /_//_/ /_/_/ /_/_/|__/_____/
- BrIngZ yA aNoTheR fInE UpLoAd!
- ------------------------------
- Tells the caller whether or
- not the sysop is available
- when they login.
- TWENTYONE.LHA 6k 02 310198 game door
- T_FREE12.LHA 2k 01 310198 .______________________ _______
- | _______ . ___ / | ____/
- | \__ / | \ / ///___. |
- | | / \ /______| |
- |______/___|___/______________|_____gaz
- | _______ . ___. ___ ___ _____. \
- | \__ / / _// | \ / \ / \ / | \
- | | / \ \ | \ \ \ | \
- |______/___/\___\______/____/____/_______/
- TRUEFREE v1.2 by Gaz [1/1]
- TrueFree is a true free download door that
- will allow even a guest with very little
- UDDER.LHA 32k 00 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / An-Udder mail door for Maxs BBS \
- \ /
- / Users can read, but NOT delete any \
- \ of the mail - uses plain text files /
- / \
- \ E-mail: phoenixbbs@cableinet.co.uk /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- UEGBBSLISTER.LHA 47k 00 310198 +--------------------------------------+
- | BBS Lister V1.00 © 1996 C.Harrison |
- |--------------------------------------|
- | Oh No... Not ANOTHER BBS Lister Prog |
- | Yep. Another BBS Lister, except this |
- | one is a <little> bit more powerful |
- | than yer average one. .Paragon/MAXs. |
- +--------------------------------------+
- MAXs iN OZ, GREMLiNS BBS 613-9870-4393
- VIEWARC10.LHA 2k 00 310198 Archive lister door for MAXs BBS. Takes
- path parameter. Written in assy by me.
- VIEWFILE10.LHA 2k 00 310198 ASCII/ANSI file viewer for MAXsBBS - by
- Gary Laming
- CDROMDOOR22.LHA 18k 00 310198 CD-Rom Door v2.2 with search file option
- and log-off after download
- CHATSYS.LHA 18k 00 310198 BBS Chat Door
- CHECKV12.LHA 46k 00 310198 New files check program
- CLASSICCQUIZ.LHA 42k 00 310198 Max's door
- CONTROL.LHA 8k 01 310198 External program to control MAXs
- COOKIE.LHA 12k 00 310198 Fortune cookie door ...
- CORRAL.LHA 27k 00 310198 MAXs Game: Corral
- Top 10 CpsRate & recent
- downloads bulletin for:
- MAXsBBS v1.54
- Outer Space BBS
- +47 624 20514
- CREDCARD.LZH 9k 00 310198 +------------------------------------------+
- |Useful for sysops who also let their users|
- |order items while on-line. Caters for the|
- |major types of Credit Cards. |
- +------------------------------------------+
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- CROMDOORV1.1.LHA 30k 00 310198 MAXs CD-Rom Door v1.1
- DIZZER2B.LHA 11k 00 310198
- .----------------------------------.
- | Dizzer v2b, a handy arexx script |
- | for /X\2 PRO. |
- `----------------------------------'
- +47 624 20514 Outer Space BBS
- DOB10.LHA 39k 00 310198 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / D.O.B - The NEW Birthday Door \ \/
- / /\ (c)1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Created By, Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Version 1.0 -- 17-Feb-1997 /\ \
- \/ / This program is classed as \ \/
- / /\ FREEWARE /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- DOORPACK101.LHA 15k 00 310198 .--------------------------------------.
- : C source codes to write MAXs doors :
- `--------------------------------------'
- DOORSTUFF.LHA 49k 00 310198 Doors For Max's some work some dont.
- FINDUPLOAD.LZX 3k 02 310198 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>
- < !n5ane gives ya a util that's absolutley >
- < featureless and ISN'T called DFB! >
- < >
- < Grab it lads, it'll work on MAXs normal >
- < file base, SPin DIz file base, and DFB. >
- < Probably a few others too. >
- <__________________________________________>
- FRONTEND.LHA 42k 00 310198 chat front end
- FTP.LHA 4k 00 310198 FTP Door for MAX BBS V 1.0
- LIGHTLAST13.LHA 16k 00 310198 --------------- -------------------
- LightLast v1.3 | By: Emil Svensson
- --------------- -------------------
- Skriver en BRA lista över de 15
- senaste som ringt + en massa annat!
- Nu med Import informationen....
- MAXSCHAT260.LHA 31k 00 310198 Great chat door for the great M A X's
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAXSCRIPTS1.LHA 10k 00 310198 Script files for MaxShell, Setups for a
- lot of CLI DOORS for use with MaxShell on
- MAXSECURE.LHA 16k 00 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / MaxSecure by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / This is a security door that has \
- \ four sysop definable questions /
- / and the frequency can be set \
- \ for checks by the sysop :) /
- / \
- \ ANSI's are shown for the questions /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- MAXSF39P.LHA 6k 00 310198 .______________________ _______
- | _______ . ___ / | ____/
- | \__ / | \ / ///___. |
- | | / \ /______| |
- |______/___|___/______________|_____gaz
- | _______ . ___. ___ ___ _____. \
- | \__ / / _// | \ / \ / \ / | \
- | | / \ \ | \ \ \ | \
- |______/___/\___\______/____/____/_______/
- MAXSF39P by Gaz [1/1]
- MAXs Function 39 Patches (finally!)
- MAXs menu function 39 doesn't work when
- MAXSH102.LHA 29k 01 310198 MAXshell v1.02 - lets MAXsBBS run CLI doors
- MAXSHELL.LHA 33k 00 310198 +------------------------------------------+
- | __ __ ___ ______ |
- | / .\/. | | . \ \ __/ Presents |
- | / /| /| | | ._/ _\_\ today: |
- | /_/ |/ |_|o|_| o/___/ MAXSHELL v1.0 |
- | |
- | This utility allows running of CLI based |
- | programs under MAX's BBS (eg. Contris!, |
- | Hack & Slash, Global War II, etc.). |
- | Based on TAShell, written for TransAmiga |
- | by Tim Aston. Full C source included. |
- +------------------------------------------+
- MAXSHELL101.LHA 33k 01 310198 +------------------------------------------+
- | __ __ ___ ______ |
- | / .\/. | | . \ \ __/ Presents |
- | / /| /| | | ._/ _\_\ today: |
- | /_/ |/ |_|o|_| o/___/ MAXSHELL v1.01 |
- | |
- | This utility allows running of CLI based |
- | programs under MAX's BBS (eg. Contris!, |
- | Hack & Slash, Global War II, etc.). |
- | Based on TAShell, written for TransAmiga |
- | by Tim Aston. Full C source included. |
- +------------------------------------------+
- MTC-MP10.LHA 28k 01 310198 ============================================
- MongoPager 1.0
- (c) 1996 by Metanolic / MongoSoft
- ============================================
- En Jävligt Bra Pager Med Massa Bra
- Funktioner Som Tex. Page Again,
- Message To SysOp etc. Och En Inbyggd
- Funktion Som Visar Om SysOpen Är
- Tillgänglig Eller Inte! Skiten Skapar
- Även En Lättöverskådlig Logfil Så Att
- Man Kan Se Vilka Som Har Pagat! DL NOW!
- ============================================
- NFA_MPAT.LZX 4k 02 310198 Patch By Thang/NFA /\X\ 1/1
- / \X\
- Deck Of NFA / ^_^X\_.
- The Big Hard One / (· ·) |
- _ _ ____ __ / /(_)\ _|
- | \| || __//__X ( o ) \
- | \ || _// __ \ \___//_ )__
- |_\__||_| \_/\_/ (((_((o-NFA-o)
- File Patch For MAX BBS
- Stops file duplication
- NUSYSTEM.LHA 19k 00 310198 ---------------------------------------
- | Maxs BBS Door |
- | ASSD New User Door. |
- | Writen by |
- | Air Strike Software Development |
- | Air Strike Online +64-07-8566066 |
- | Email : assd@airstrike.co.nz |
- ---------------------------------------
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- PROCHAT.LHA 10k 00 310198 Unregistered version of ProChat - by Viktor
- Avramov
- º Û°°Û° Û° Û° Û° Û° ° Û°°Û° °°°Û° º
- º Û° Û° °°°° °°°° °°Û° °°Û° Û° º
- º °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° ° º
- º Max's door to flame/congratulate º
- º users on their computer type º
- º º
- º Assembled 27-09-97 by Olly. All Amigas. º
- CALLBACK.LHA 45k 00 310198 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / CallBack Verifier \ \/
- / /\ (c)1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Created By, Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Version 0.1b - 19-May-1997 /\ \
- \/ / This program is classed as \ \/
- / /\ FREEWARE /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- CALLBK11.LHA 46k 01 310198 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / CallBack Verifier \ \/
- / /\ (c)1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Created By, Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Version 1.1 -- 05-Jun-1997 /\ \
- \/ / This program is classed as \ \/
- / /\ FREEWARE /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- CAPFORCE.LZH 3k 00 310198 Changes filenames in MAXs filebase to
- Upper-Case
- CAP_INVADERS.LHA 13k 01 310198 Crap_Invaders for MAX's BBS
- CARDG37.LHA 37k 01 310198 ---======== Card Guppies III ========---
- XenoLink and DLG Compatable
- Requires a CLI to Operate Correctly
- This is a Shareware product
- ---======== Card Guppies III ========---
- CASINO.LHA 8k 01 310198 Casino door game
- CAST_105.LHA 40k 00 310198 UpDate to castle Game door
- CLOCKDOOR.LHA 6k 01 310198 shows a big time
- CLOSEFRIEND.LHA 9k 00 310198 Give User Access to H/D by Erik Thorstam
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- º Cluedo º
- º º
- º A Maxs BBS Door º
- º º
- º Uploaded By DRAX º
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- CMAXAD11.LHA 9k 00 310198 A shell-based fileadder for MAX'sBBS
- Including C source.
- By Claus Dyring Jensen
- CMAXGU16.LHA 13k 00 310198 A door that can generate filelists for
- MAXsBBS. Generates amigaguide/ascii files.
- Some sections can be omitted.
- Files older than X days can be omitted.
- The layout looks really nice too!
- Including C+ASM source. Public Domain.
- By Claus Dyring Jensen
- CMAXPR00.LHA 6k 00 310198 Ultratiny door for MAX's BBS that prints
- a text and waits for a keypress.
- (Run the door with the file to print as
- argument. print s:startup-sequence)
- Use this if you want a textfile printed
- during the logon batch door script run.
- Includes C source
- By Claus Dyring Jensen
- CMAXWE10.LHA 9k 00 310198 Prog. for MAX's BBS that generates a
- upload hitlist. (Names of best ul'rs)
- The maximum and minimum access level can
- be set. The period of time to examine can
- be set. (End of period can ofcuz be in the
- future..)
- Includes C source
- By Claus Dyring Jensen
- CMENTADD_1.2.LZX 8k 00 310198 Comment_Add+ 1.2 by Robert Masters
- CMSYCLARENCE.LHA 4k 00 310198 Adventure for Multi-Door program
- CONNECT4V1.LHA 7k 00 310198 Excellent MAXs game, Connect 4
- DAF38_17.LHA 4k 00 310198 *¤°¬¯¬°¤*o,¸_¸,o*¤°¬°¤*o,¸_¸,o*¤°¬¯¬°¤*
- functionthirtyeightversiononepointseven
- bystuart`stoo'clarkofdigitalaccessand
- midnightcallerbbs8690223/4/5
- who'sonlinedoorformaxsbbssystems
- *o,¸_¸,o*¤°¬°¤*o,¸_¸,o*¤°¬¯¬°¤*o,¸_¸,o*
- DA_BBSOR.LZX 12k 01 310198 Moves uploads to correct directory & Adds Fil
- DA_F3813.LHA 8k 00 310198 Function 38 ; Chat
- DA_FINDEX30.LHA 5k 00 310198 MAX's BBS FIndex © 29/3/95 - Digital
- Access
- DA_FUNCY.LHA 5k 00 310198 +----=FUNCyPATCH 2.0 by DiGiTal aCCesS=----+
- | |
- | Max's Function Patch v2.0 a utility for |
- | the Max's sysop. |
- | |
- | Coded in 100% Assembler by.. |
- | |
- | Stuart `Stoo' Clark |
- +------------------------------------------+
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- DEADLOCK.LHA 8k 00 310198 Very good program to reset/reboot BBS or
- System when BBS locks up.
- DEATH.LHA 12k 01 310198 MAXs Game: Death
- DEDOOR.LZX 7k 00 310198 Dos execute Paragon door for MAXs
- DFBADDFILE.LHA 4k 00 310198 DFB related file...
- DFBFLG.LHA 10k 00 310198 +-=-=-=-=THe FiLE SySTeM FRøM HeLL-=-=-=-=-+
- | ANDReW /\__ _______/\__ :
- : LePPaRDs | \| ____/ \ -Dynamic |
- | | _ \ \ __/ | / _/ -File :
- : :| \/ / |::::| \/ \: -Base |
- | :::|__ /l_j::::|___ /::: :
- : .::::::::\/::::::::::::\/::::::. |
- | DoOr PrOGRAmME:- FiLE LiST GeNERaTOR 1.0 :
- : WiTH THe LOt |
- `------------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- -------------------
- A door to allow users to browse your
- filebase and mark files offline and upload
- the list of files to the BBS where they
- can immediately download them! Offline
- Software for the users included!
- DFBTAGKI.LHA 18k 00 310198 Lets users or SysOps kille taged file lists
- with DFB!
- DFBTAGSH.LHA 18k 00 310198 Shows users if they have TAGED files ADDED
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- DFBTFK.LHA 17k 00 310198 /\/\ - DFB Tagged Files Killer v1.0 - /\/\
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ By Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / Copyright ©1995-7 PalaceSoft \ \/
- / /\ /\ \
- \/ / Requires:- \ \/
- / /\ Workbench 2+ and MaxsBBS 1.52-54 /\ \
- \/ / DFB - Dynamic File Base \ \/
- / /\ By Andrew Leppard ©1994-97 /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- DFBTFV11.LHA 18k 00 310198 /\/\ - DFB Tagged Files Viewer v1.1 - /\/\
- \/ / Bug Fix and Update \ \/
- / /\ /\ \
- \/ / By Ashly Braggins \ \/
- / /\ Copyright ©1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Requires:- /\ \
- \/ / Workbench 2+ and MaxsBBS 1.52-54 \ \/
- / /\ DFB - Dynamic File Base /\ \
- \/\/ By Andrew Leppard ©1994-97 \/\/
- DFBUPDATE.LHA 40k 00 310198 First Update to DFB (fixes 68000 gurus)
- DGEON_ADVENT.LHA 5k 00 310198 to be added to multi door
- DIRCOM.LHA 15k 00 310198 Adds file diz to dos file comment ...
- DRAG.LHA 9k 00 310198 MAXs Game: Drag Racer
- DSNCT1_03.LHA 16k 00 310198 ---> DsnChat-Toplist V1.03 <---
- Chat Toplista för MAXsBBS v1.54
- Fixar SNYGG ansi med 10 namn+tider!
- Denna door kan ENDAST köras tillsammans
- med MAXsBBS inbyggda Chat Interrupt funktion
- DsnSUPPORT at: Destination BBS !
- DSNSWAP4DEMO.LHA 44k 00 310198 .-*-)-> DsnSWAPdemo v4.0 <-(-*-.
- | Nu kan du ha din MAXsBBS |
- | både på Engelska och Svenska! |
- | Med både Amiga och Pc-stöd. |
- | Används på basen. |
- | |
- | Kostar 30:- att Regga. |
- | Alla som reggat får kommande |
- | versioner GRATIS! |
- `-------------------------------'
- DSTOODIZ098B.LHA 247k 00 310198 File_id.diz support for MAXs
- DSTOODIZ985B.LHA 5k 00 310198 ***************************************
- * StoodizDFM Update. Use this to *
- * replace the DFM in the StooDiz *
- * archive to get StooDiz to run. *
- ***************************************
- D_EXONFIED10.LHA 11k 01 310198 External online file editor for MAXs
- D_SSMENUS18C.LHA 47k 00 310198 Select style menus ...
- ELIZAV1_1.LHA 31k 00 310198 Online Psychologists
- ESC_CSI.LHA 2k 00 310198 ESC<>CSI converter for ansi menus!
- by Olly Koenders : 31-12-97
- This is a small ansi/Max's BBS util to
- convert the longer "ESC+[" ansi codes to
- "CSI" codes and vice versa.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FAKE-CLI.LHA 12k 00 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / Fake-CLI by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / This is a fake CLI program to \
- \ wind your users up :-) /
- / \
- \ Nothing dangerous or nasty can /
- / be done, only the CD & DIR \
- \ commands work... /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- FASTTTF.LHA 2k 00 310198 Use FastTTF instead of TTFDatamake for
- Marc Bouza's Top 20 file door TTF V1.6
- ---- More than 1200 times faster! ----
- This is freeware.Source code available
- FCALLER.LHA 44k 00 310198 ______ ______ ____
- / ____/ / ____/___ _/ / /__ _____
- / /_ / / / __ `/ / / _ \/ ___/
- / __/ / /___/ /_/ / / / __/ /
- /_/ \____/\__,_/_/_/\___/_/
- V1.0 By M.Recardo - Fcaller is a last
- x caller door and is fully cfgurable.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FUNLOCK.LHA 5k 00 310198 FUNLOCK is a MAXsBBS filebase
- section locker/unlocker......
- GMS10.LHA 45k 00 310198 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / G.M.S -- Graphic Menus Selector \ \/
- / /\ (c)1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Created By, Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Version 1.0 -- 05-Mar-1997 /\ \
- \/ / This program is classed as \ \/
- / /\ FREEWARE /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- GMS_MAXSCHAT.LZX 17k 01 310198 .-----------------------------------------.
- | GREMLiNS Version (hacked) of MAXsChat |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- GRAFWALL.LHA 7k 00 310198 New Wall type door for Max's BBS
- GUESSIT.LHA 7k 00 310198 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Guess filthy words, etc
- GWALL_V206.LHA 51k 00 310198 .-----------------------------------------.
- | Super Graffiti Wall Door For Max's BBS! |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- HAPPYBD.LHA 14k 00 310198 MAXsBBS file: (AMOS) Happy Birthday door
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- HDRAMAX_123E.LHA 124k 00 310198 .-----------------------------------.
- | < Hydra - MAX > |
- | ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
- | An external Hydra Protocol door |
- | for MAX's BBS 1.54 and up! At |
- | last you can enjoy Hydra.. to an |
- | extent anyway. v1.23 |
- | |
- | Written by Chris Elsworth 9/3/96 |
- `-----------------------------------'
- ID!-GRAB.LZX 6k 00 310198 __________________________________
- \_\___\___\___ 7\___\___\_ _¬7\_¬7
- | |¬| |¬T |¬l | |¬| |¬l |_| | | |
- | | | | |_| _ | | | | __| _| | |
- | | | | |¬| T | | | | |¬| |¬| l_|
- | | | | l | | | | l | l | | | ___
- |_|_| |__ |_| | |___|__ |__ | T_7
- . ^^^^`-'^`-'^`-'^^^^^^^`-'^`-'^^^^
- PRESENTS: GRABBIT v1.0 ·::::::::::.
- : ... FOR: MAXSBBS v1.52+ ······::::
- :::...... FILE YOU WANT THEM TO ··:
- º Û°°Û° Û° Û° Û° Û° ° Û°°Û° °°°Û° º
- º Û° Û° °°°° °°°° °°Û° °°Û° Û° º
- º °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° ° º
- º Interceptor V1.5 Pager door for Max's. º
- º GFX, sound, and ANSI's all included º
- º and ready to run. Freeware too :) º
- º Assembled 27-12-97 by Olly. All Amigas. º
- ISMINEWARS.LHA 31k 01 310198 Inter Stellar Mine Wars -- MAX's game door!
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- JACKPOT.LHA 13k 00 310198 Five Jackpot Games
- JKWALL10.LHA 6k 01 310198 JunkWall source code, assembly. MAXs.
- JWALL.LHA 128k 00 310198 The ONLY Wall for Maxs BBS 1.54
- JZPAGER3.LHA 28k 00 310198 ----==JZ Pager 3.5 For MAXs BBS==----
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- *Allows users to page the sysop with a *
- *choice of 20 Music Modules or IFF Samples *
- *Fully configurable ANSI, including the *
- *actual pager bar! Control it's length, *
- *& speed! Allows users to leave the sysop a*
- *message if they are busy or not it! Opens *
- *a window on any screen to allow the sysop *
- * to break in and chat or say they are busy*
- * *
- ***The Jelly Zone 01325 321172 9pm - 8am****
- JZRAWDL152.LZX 45k 00 310198 JZ RAW Download 1.52
- --------------------
- - Send users files that aren't on the BBS
- - The Best RAW Download door for Maxs BBS
- - Pops up a req requester on your WB screen!
- - Asks if you want to send the user another
- file
- - Totally safe so users can't Download files
- themselves.
- - Loads of other stuff aswell!
- JZRAWDL2.LHA 6k 02 310198 +------------------------------------------+
- \ JZ RAW DL 2.00 For Maxs BB /
- / \
- \ Sends users files which aren't in the /
- / BBS filebase! \
- \ - Full reqtools filerequestor! /
- / - Multiple selection of files for batch \
- \ downloads /
- / - Secure from users \
- \ - Multiple download batches /
- +------------------------------------------+
- KBGCOMMENT.LZX 4k 00 310198 Add in filenotes from file descs
- MAXs Door by Kasper B. Graversen
- KBGFG.LZX 7k 00 310198 KBGfileGenerator v1.0 -- a MAXs Door
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- KBGFIXIT.LZX 4k 00 310198 Fix file sizes after adding banners etc
- another MAXs Door by Kasper B. Gravesen
- MAGICARD.LHA 6k 00 310198 Game for MAXs, magicard
- MAGNUM-CP.LHA 32k 01 310198 .----------------------.----------.
- | mAGNUM cHAT [v1.00] | __/\__ |
- |----------------------| \ oO / |
- |----------------------| /_\/_\ |
- | mAGNUM pAGER [v1.00] | \/ |
- `----------------------'----------'
- --tWO-cOOL-dOORS-fOR-mAXSbBS!--
- MAILFIX3.LHA 16k 00 310198 Repairs faulty mail packets - ie, those
- written by MAXsBBS
- MAILMOVER.LHA 12k 00 310198 MailMover was written for Maxs BBS V1.52+
- It moves mail from one outbound directory
- to another. Using MailMover you can get
- around the problem of replying to routed
- netmail ............ for the great MAXs!!
- MAILREP.LHA 2k 00 310198 Mail_Repair 1.10 (15/1/94)
- Finds a fixes double CR's in
- Maxs Mail Packets
- MAX-POLL.LHA 15k 02 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / Max-Poll by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / Vote door for Maxs - Lets users \
- \ take the existing questions or /
- / add their own :-) \
- \ Results shown as a graph with /
- / % and number of people who've \
- \ answered that question /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- MAXBLU10.LHA 67k 00 310198 MAXsBBS Door to allow "BlueWave"
- mailers to use the echo mail
- --------------------------------
- For any MAXsBBS help/support...
- Contact the great GREMLiNS BBS!
- MAXCD.LHA 23k 00 310198 .------------------------------------------.
- | Type : |
- | Short : CD-Rom door for Maxs BBS, no conf|
- | : iguration required :-) |
- | Author: Colin Wilson |
- `----------------------ballekobra diz v1.2-'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAXIRESCAN.LHA 22k 00 310198 MaxiReScan V1.0 By John Webb 05/05/1995
- Allows a person setting up a Max's system to
- Rescan all echo areas from a particular date.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAXLASTUSER.LHA 11k 00 310198 LastUser: Records All Users Events, etc ..
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAXMODUL.LHA 19k 00 310198 MaxModul 1.0 © 1995 Mattias Carenhed
- MaxModul är en modulspelardörr för MAX'S BBS
- Docs not in English! AMOS type Door.
- MAXNODE.LHA 4k 00 310198 MaxNode V1.0
- By Darius Kay 11/08/95
- **********************
- This door shows your
- users who's online
- when they login to
- your MAXsBBS
- MAXNUP.LHA 11k 00 310198 New user upgrade game.
- MAXPRO2.LHA 88k 01 310198 ÚÄÄ ÄÄ¿
- ³ Max's BBS Professional v2 ³
- ³ Release Info & Screen Grabs ³
- MAXREXX.LHA 10k 00 310198 ---------------------------------------
- MaxRexx 0.9b
- For Experts and Beginners in AREXX!
- ---------------------------------------
- MAXSBBS_1.52.LHA 318k 00 310198 .-------------------------------.
- | MAXsBBS v1.52 -- full package |
- | THE UPDATES 1.53 THEN 1.54 .. |
- `-------------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-9870-4393
- MAXSBBS_1.53.LHA 136k 00 310198 Official and Authorized update of MAX'sBBS
- Package - Upgrade V1.53 as hatched by M A X
- on the Nut Factory - + 61 2 822 4366 -
- Your MAX'sBBS Support File & Echo Centre..
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAXSBEEP.LZH 7k 00 310198 sounds for max's
- MAXSMAILER.LHA 26k 00 310198 MAXs MAiLER, for the great MAXs BBS
- MAXSNET_3.LHA 16k 00 310198 MAXsNet info & applic'n. (30Jan96)
- MAXSPRO.LHA 17k 01 310198 ³This File Came From... 2 NODES ³
- ³³ ³ ³ ³ À¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³À¿ ÚÙ³³
- ³ÃÄÂÄÙ ÃÄÄ ³ À¿ÀÄÂÄ´ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÙ ³³
- ³³ À¿ ³ ³ ÚÙ ÚÙ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³³
- ³--- +44 (0)1635 826720 - 24 Hours ---³
- ³MAX's BBS Professional v1.00 Upgrade!³
- ³ Shareware Version ³
- ³ Requires MAX's v1.54/v1.5R ³
- ³Tons of new features, D/L now!! :))))³
- MAXS_HISTORY.LZX 19k 00 310198 History of MAXs of all updates/bug
- fixes/changes/etc up till vers1.54
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- [ GREMLiNS BBS +61 03 9870 4393 ]
- MAXS_NOTE.TXT 41k 00 310198 Notes from the BenchMaster.. maxs info
- MAXS_TD.LZX 27k 00 310198 .--------------------------------.
- | HACK to run TrapDoor with MAXs |
- | Enables FidoNET messages, etc. |
- `--------------------------------'
- MAXTELNET.LHA 30k 00 310198 /\_____ ____/\__ ____/\
- ::/o Vo Vo \:::
- :::|| . |: [___|| | \:::
- ::::|| | |___ || \:::
- :::|: | | ] |: | /::
- ::|___|__ |________| __|___/::
- ~~~~~~\|pRe$En7$|/~~~~~
- -
- Telnet Starter Kit for Max's or /X\2
- -
- Based on the E! Starter Pack
- MAXUSERSTATS.LHA 3k 02 310198 UserStats Text File V1.1 MAXs
- An Alternative Userstats File.
- ------------------------------------
- This text file directly replaces the
- "UserStatistics" text file & allows
- the user to see his access level in
- the form of differing colours which
- slide up a 'tube' .... For MAXs BBS!
- MAX_BASIC.LZX 12k 00 310198 __ ___ __
- / |/ /__ _____/ /___ __
- / /|_/ / _ `/ __/ __/ // /
- /_/ /_/\_,_/_/ \__/\_, /
- The Almighty SysGod /___/
- .-------------------------.
- | CODEs of DOORs for MAXs |
- `-------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS 03-9870-4393
- MAX_DOORPACK.LHA 18k 00 310198 This is an updated version of
- the doorpack with FULL C commands
- for MAX's and examples A MUST
- * XyonicS BBS *
- MAX_E.LHA 3k 00 310198 Write Paragon/MAXs doors in E
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-9870-4393
- MBP.LHA 51k 00 310198 Chat frontend, Mad-Bomber Pager
- MBRS20.DOC 25k 00 310198 MaxsByteRatioSystem documenation, for Maxs
- MBRS20.GUIDE 26k 00 310198 MaxsByteRatioSystem amiga guide, for Maxs
- MBRS20_TXT.LHA 18k 00 310198 .-------------------------------------.
- | DOC & AMiGAGUiDE for MBRS 2.0 _/\_ |
- `-------------------------------> <--'
- MBRS (c) Mikael Kinnunen 1996 \/ GM
- MCFE_B.LHA 36k 00 310198 MCFE - MAXsCHAT Front End for MAXsBBS
- BETA Version which lets you play mods
- or samples when you are paged.
- MDN-DE11.LHA 8k 00 310198 It's a door which can run other doors.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MENUPASS1_0.LHA 9k 01 310198 _ _ __
- |Y| \ |\| | |
- | | /_ | V \_/ 1.0
- __ _ __ __
- |_)/_\(_ (_ By Midnight
- | | |__;__; Flip
- <Password protect and log>
- < menus in MaxsBBS >
- MFG.LHA 42k 00 310198 MAX-FileGuide v1.0
- MHS.LHA 4k 01 310198 Lets you run Hack'n'Slash on MAXs BBS
- By Krion / CyDoNiA - DOORS (st)INC. Doors
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- File Import/Export by The Nut Factory BBS
- OZZie MAX'sBBS Support with Files/Echos
- Call on +61 2 822 4366 14.4k - 6 node
- Call on +61 2 822 5969 28.8k - 2 node
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MINFIELD.LZH 7k 00 310198 game door
- MLC.LHA 9k 02 310198 __/\ _______________ _____________/\__
- \, Y \ ___/ __Y _ \ \ _ /
- / | T \ __/ __| _ -\ T \ l \
- .-/ l l \ l/ l l \ l d-LIGHT\-.
- |-gt^sy------------------------------------|
- | MaxsLoginChange V1.0 |
- MLOC.LHA 9k 01 310198 __/\ _______________ _____________/\__
- \, Y \ ___/ __Y _ \ \ _ /
- / | T \ __/ __| _ -\ T \ l \
- .-/ l l \ l/ l l \ l d-LIGHT\-.
- |-gt^sy------------------------------------|
- | MaxsLogOutChange V1.0 |
- MMMC.LHA 9k 01 310198 __/\ _______________ _____________/\__
- \, Y \ ___/ __Y _ \ \ _ /
- / | T \ __/ __| _ -\ T \ l \
- .-/ l l \ l/ l l \ l d-LIGHT\-.
- |-gt^sy------------------------------------|
- | MaxsMainMenuChange V1.0 |
- MPROSCRIPTS.LHA 2k 00 310198 Updated Lha and Lzx Extraction Scripts
- For /X\2 /\- Fixes Readme Bug -/\
- ³ /X\2.00 Preview Screenshots! ³
- ³ ³
- ³ Distribution across Fluffy Net ONLY! ³
- MQ_PLUS_V1.1.LHA 3k 02 310198 ------------------------------------------
- Multi-Quest EXTRA ; displays users answers
- ------------------------------------------
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MREP_V2.LHA 3k 00 310198 Fixes double CR's in Maxs Mail Packets.
- MRLOTTO.LHA 40k 02 310198 MR LOTTO
- --------
- - The Best Lottery door for MAXs BBS
- - Chooses a Random Lottery machine from over
- 40 machines!
- - Chooses 6 balls and the user get 6 balls
- depending on the number of matches the
- user wins time!
- - Configurable ANSI screens!
- - Loads of other stuff aswell!
- MS-ULSPACE.LHA 12k 00 310198 +------------------------------------------+
- | MegaSoft is proud to present ULspace 0.9 |
- | ---------------------------------------- |
- | |
- | Shows an ansi-picture before upload, |
- | that shows total hd-space, free for ul, |
- | active Files (Wow!) and an nicelooking |
- | ansi-bar.. Run it at every event.. |
- | |
- | For the great BBS-Proggy called MAXsBBS |
- | |
- +------------------------------------------+
- MSCAN.LHA 9k 00 310198 MSCAN: Displays listing of msgs in an area.
- by Keith Bennett & Glen Martin
- MSFE.LHA 19k 01 310198 /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / MaxShell Front End \ \/
- / /\ (c)1995-7 PalaceSoft /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Created By Ashly Braggins /\ \
- \/ / \ \/
- / /\ Version 1.0 - 10-Feb-97 /\ \
- \/ / This program is classed as \ \/
- / /\ FREEWARE /\ \
- \/\/ \/\/
- MSRATIO_152C.LHA 6k 00 310198 the famous ratio screen, real nice I like it.
- MSUMM.LHA 9k 00 310198 MSUMM: Displays msg base stats ...
- by Keith Bennett & Glen Martin
- NATLOT.LHA 4k 00 310198 MAXSBBS door: displays National Lottery
- results
- NETSAFE.LHA 18k 00 310198 Netsafe by Randy Quick - Allows multi-net
- polling for MAXsBBS
- NEWFILESCAN.LHA 8k 00 310198 File scanner for MAXs Pro 2+ ...
- NEWMAILANSI.LZX 22k 00 310198 __ _____ _____
- o1296 (__)! ..)! _ ) o1296
- 339374 | || |: __| 339374
- +oooO---- | || | || |__ ----Oooo+
- : | || ___;: : ) :
- : `--'| | `-----' :
- o hOMe `oF' "tHe uNkNowN" o
- o iNNerpeACe tHe nEw mAIL o
- o bBs sCaNNer aNSi fOR o
- o bRInGs yoU mAXS bbS sYSteMS o
- : :
- +oooO[----=== heaDPHOnes ==----]Oooo+
- NEWNAME.LHA 5k 00 310198 .--------------.
- | NewName V1.0 |
- `--------------'
- .----------------------------------------.
- | Small CLI/Shell door for MAXsBBS that |
- | will change all messages addressed to |
- | and from a specified user to a new |
- | specified user name. |
- | Brilliant for when a user asks to have |
- | their Account name changed! |
- | *** FAST!! *** |
- `----------------------------------------'
- NEWUSER.LHA 15k 01 310198 [NewUser]
- User Validation Door For
- MaxsBBS
- ReLeAsEd 20/01/96
- NEW_MAXS.LHA 26k 01 310198 Here are three of the latest screen shots
- of the New MAXs BBS software which will be
- called "Matrix". Grabbed from the Web site
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- NFA_CPS20.LHA 7k 01 310198 _______ __________ _______
- <_ _ /_/ / __ / |/ / ___/
- > / // __ / __ / / | / /_/\
- /_//_/ /_/_/ /_/_/|__/_____/
- BrIngZ yA aNoTheR fInE UtIliTy
- ------------------------------
- This generates a VERY ACCURATE
- "Top 10 CPS Rates" file, which
- is suitable for ny MAXsBBS to
- display for your users.
- OTHELLO.LHA 44k 00 310198 .---------------------------------.
- : MAXs Game: Othello -- Excellent :
- `---------------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-9870-4393
- P-M-T-S.LHA 3k 00 310198 ---------------------------------------
- P-M-T-S Print Message To Sysop v0.5
- Send msg via SysOps Printer
- by Peter Zelezny
- ---------------------------------------
- PAPA.LHA 6k 00 310198 .. _____ .
- :::: / \ :: ::
- ::: :::: \ \/ :::::::
- ::::: ::::/\ \ ::: :::
- :: ::: ::/ \:::: ::::
- :: :::::\_______:::: ::::
- ----*-------**------***-----
- PaPa v1.oo
- -=-
- Patch Programming Language For
- /X\2 BBS Systems ONLY
- -=-
- PAPA110.LHA 7k 00 310198 .. _____ .
- :::: / \ :: ::
- ::: :::: \ \/ :::::::
- ::::: ::::/\ \ ::: :::
- :: ::: ::/ \:::: ::::
- :: :::::\_______:::: ::::
- ----*-------**------***-----
- PaPa v1.1o
- -=-
- Patch Programming Language For
- /X\2 BBS Systems ONLY
- -=-
- PASSCONTROL.LZH 18k 00 310198 Util to control node/line access for members
- File Import/Exports by The Nut Factory BBS
- MAX'sBBS Support Site with Files/Echos
- Call on +61 2 822-4366 14.4k - 6 nodes
- Call on +61 2 822-5969 28.8k - 2 nodes
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- PHOENIXRAW.LHA 26k 00 310198 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / PhoenixRAW by C.C.Wilson \
- \ /
- / Another raw download door for Maxs \
- \ It's relatively large, but 100% /
- / bombproof as far as I can tell. \
- \ Uses the Amos Pro file reqester /
- / \
- \ Only shows filename, NOT the path /
- / \
- \/\/\AmiPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs/\/\/
- PJUNGLE.LZX 6k 00 310198 - A game of career in the Aust Public
- Services for the Multi-adventure door
- POKERMACHINE.LHA 45k 01 310198 Game door for MAXs
- POLLSET.LHA 10k 00 310198 Lets you run Trapdoor as the Fido FrontEnd
- for Max's BBS
- PZSEC.LHA 3k 00 310198 Security type door for the great MAXs
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- SHWACC.LHA 44k 00 310198 Graphicaly show a user thier Status Via a
- Bar Chart, For use with MAXsBBS
- SLOTMACHINE.LZH 19k 00 310198 game door
- SMARTRAWDL.LHA 3k 02 310198 Rawdownload door
- SMARTSYSPWD.LHA 3k 01 310198 system password security
- SPINCONV.LHA 39k 01 310198 .. _____ .
- :::: / \ :: ::
- ::: :::: \ \/ :::::::
- ::::: ::::/\ \ ::: :::
- :: ::: ::/ \:::: ::::
- :: :::::\_______:::: ::::
- ----*-------**------***-----
- SpinConv v1.oo
- -=-
- SpinDiz <-> /X\2 Filebase Converter
- -=-
- cODE: n!K!^nSA Rel: 23/Aug/97
- SPINDIZ_1.3.LZX 83k 02 310198 ___________________ ___________________
- \__ __ | | ___/ \___ | | __ __/
- | || _ | __|. | | | | || | Rr!
- -===|__||__|__|___ |==|__| |_____||__|===-
- ________________|__|_____|__|____________.
- \_ ______ | .____ __ _ ____ \ | |
- | __| _ | | || || | | _ /___ |
- |__| |__| |_____||__||_____|__| |_____|
- -=========`--'===================`--'======-
- (SPin DIz File Base for MAX's 1.54 - A MUST)
- -==========================================-
- GREMLiNS BBS +613-9870-4393 MAXs ViC/OZ SiTE
- SPNLOGN.LZX 9k 01 310198 !n5ane gives ya a new util for SPin. New
- File scan for login. Unfeatureless but
- duz the job well. It's just a patched up
- copy of SPinList. (Coded for SPin 1.3)
- Released 04/06/96
- SPNSTATS.LZX 10k 01 310198 !n5ane presents to SPin sysops a nice support
- util. It adds 4 auto-inserts allowing byte
- stats to be displayed. Also includes full Asm
- source, which you may use to develop your own
- SPin utils.
- Released 03/06/96
- STARTREK97.LHA 17k 00 310198
- .------------------------------.
- | -+- S T A R T R E K -+- |
- | |
- | MAXs GAME DOOR [02-May-97] |
- `------------------------------'
- TODAYSCALLS.LHA 3k 02 310198 Displays Todays Callers.
- TOPTEN.LHA 5k 00 310198 Top Ten menu displays
- TOPULDL.LHA 4k 00 310198 ____ __ ________
- ___________ __\_ \(_/__\___ ( ___________
- RexxWorks | / / \ / /| RexxWorks
- ____1998___| / /_ \ /\ / |___1998____
- `--\___/wsg-/__/\__\-'
- -
- Top Upload/download bulletin for
- MaxPro v2.07+
- -
- Outer Space bbs +47 624 20514
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TOT.LHA 44k 00 310198 Tower of terror game (BUGGY locks up on
- here)
- TOTALFILES10.LHA 3k 00 310198 Twisted Logic Inc.
- Presents
- TotalFiles for DFB
- Small programme for MAXs BBS running DFB to
- automatically replace the MAXs %C auto
- insert for total files with the correct
- amount as found in the DFB.data.
- by Prowler / Cydonia^Twisted Logic Inc.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TST-BD10.LHA 12k 00 310198 .-[ TURBOSOFT 1996 ]-----------------------.
- | |
- | TurboBirthDayDoor v1.0 For MAX's BBS |
- | |
- | A BirthDay door, Just DL And See... |
- `------------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TST-CH10.LHA 11k 01 310198 .------------------------------------------.
- | TurboSoft Proudly Presents In 1996 |
- | Baud Chart v1.0 |
- +------------------------------------------+
- | Creates statistics about Baud/Calls to a |
- | BBS, Graphic/Percentage/Total Calls etc. |
- | Coded in C to accomplish some speed. |
- `------------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TST-NK10.LHA 11k 00 310198 .-[ TURBOSOFT 1996 ]-----------------------.
- | |
- | Nuke Door For MBRS v2.0 |
- | |
- | Comment Files, Take Credz Etc. |
- `------------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TST-TTP11.LHA 30k 00 310198 10 Toplist Generator for MAX & Zeus BBS
- TST-TTP12.LHA 15k 01 310198 .------------------------------------------.
- | TurboTop v1.2 |
- |------------------------------------------|
- | Top List Generator For MAX's BBS & MBRS. |
- | Generates 10 Different Lists. |
- | Now Fully Color Configurable. |
- | !!VERY FAST!! |
- |------------------------------------------|
- | Author: Christian Vigard / TurboSoft |
- `------------------------------------------'
- TTFV1_6.LHA 15k 00 310198 Top 20 File Door updated V1.6
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- File Import/Export by The Nut Factory BBS
- OZZie MAX'sBBS Support with Files/Echos
- Call on +61 2 822 4366 14.4k - 4 node
- Call on +61 2 822 5969 28.8k - 2 node
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TTUPS.LHA 5k 00 310198 -------------------------------------------
- .=============. Program to Calculate the
- | M A X U P S | Top Uploaders and DnLoaders
- | V1.51 | of People Calling MaxsBBS
- `=============' Written by: Greg MacDonald
- -------------------------------------------
- OZ MAXs SiTE : GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-9870-4393
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TURBOLOGON11.LHA 10k 00 310198 ============================================
- TurboLogon 1.1
- (c) 1995 by Christian Vigard
- ============================================
- A "Quick" Logon Door For Max's BBS
- Good For SysOp's With BIG
- Intro/Maindoors.text The User Can Choose
- If He/She Want's A Short Or Long Login
- ============================================
- UMESSAGE2.LHA 4k 00 310198 3 line user message
- ȻɹºººººººÌ¼ººº UltraKFBStats - Door for ³
- ³ººººº ¹ºº ººººº BBS's running KFB, shows ³
- ³È¼ÈÍʹÌÊÊÊÊÍÊͼ uploads/downloads, etc! ³
- ³ ȼ ³
- ³ É Configurable Ansi Screen ³
- ³ É Comments are shown depending on the ³
- ³ amount of uploads/downloads ³
- ³ É WB Interface included for editing ³
- ³ comments to your own requirements ³
- ³ ³
- ȻɹºººººººÌ¼ººº UltraPassword - Door for ³
- ³ººººº ¹ºº ººººº MAXs BBS's, allows you to ³
- ³È¼ÈÍʹÌÊÊÊÊÍÊͼ password protect menus. ³
- ³ ȼ ³
- ³ É Multi configuration files can be ³
- ³ created so that many menus can be ³
- ³ protected (with different passwords) ³
- ³ É WB Interface included for editing ³
- ³ configuration files. ³
- ³ É Now works on MultiNode BBS'! ³
- ȻɹºººººººÌ¼ººº Bug Fixed Version of the ³
- ³ººººº ¹ºº ººººº best Wall Door for MAXs ³
- ³È¼ÈÍʹÌÊÊÊÊÍÊͼ BBS Systems - UltraWall!! ³
- ³ ȼ ³
- ³ É Sensorship with full WB interface to ³
- ³ define sensored words! ³
- ³ É Sysop can edit/remove comments! ³
- ³ É Comments shown increased to 16.. ³
- ³ É Ignores comments with % commands in! ³
- ³ É Users can stay Anonymous, Get Now!! ³
- VEXV1_2.LHA 44k 00 310198 Land of VEX --- Lengends of the Red Dragon
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FORCEALL_1.4.LHA 11k 00 010298 Force users to read Bulletins!
- IPORT_ERRORS.TXT 0k 00 010298 Explanation of the msg import errors.
- KNOT100.LHA 28k 01 010298 cool maxs game, adventure type
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- INTERCHAT13.LHA 2k 01 010298 Inter-node chat door, for Maxs BBS
- MSUMM1.LHA 10k 00 010298 message summary by Keith and Glen, update.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MEGAUSERS.LHA 12k 01 010298 displays top lists, used on GREMLiNS BBS
- NUP.LHA 3k 00 010298 New User Password type door, for Maxs
- PEG.LZH 10k 00 010298 Maxs game called PEG
- POLL.LZH 9k 00 010298 Polling booth door
- MAXI-TEXT.LHA 55k 01 010298 Maxi-Text: displays top lists, for MAXs BBS
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- STREKV10.LHA 31k 00 010298 Very good Maxs game, Star Trek!
- BIGLOG.LHA 3k 01 010298 Big log: BBS log file viewer externally.
- CAL.LZH 11k 00 010298 A calender program for MAXs
- CPSFONTS.LHA 1k 00 010298 Fonts for the Magicfile door!
- CRASHCHK.LHA 21k 01 010298 BBS crash check, for MAXs BBS.
- DEATHV10.LHA 9k 00 010298 Maxs game called 'death'..
- DISTRIBUTOR.LHA 10k 00 010298 Fido distribution utility of some sort
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- DL.LHA 6k 00 010298 Ratio type door for MAXs
- DUPCHECK10.LHA 2k 00 010298 Door called Duplicate Check
- FAKECLIV1.0.LHA 11k 00 010298 MAXs Door: Fake cli, for fooling users.
- GRUMSG1-ANSI.LZX 3k 00 010298 MaxsBBS msgbase ansi screens.
- HACK&SLASH22.LHA 207k 01 010298 Excellent cli-type game for MAXs.
- Go around killing monsters and users.
- HAMURABI.LZH 16k 00 010298 Maxs game: Hamurabi
- MTC-LO10.LHA 13k 00 010298 Mongo login
- MTC-ML10.LHA 16k 00 010298 Mongo logoff
- MTC-NM10.LHA 24k 00 010298 Mongo next message
- MTERQUEST01B.LHA 5k 00 010298 Master Quest, allows users to answer and ask
- questions of all sorts.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MSCAN1.LHA 9k 00 010298 Message Scan, by Keith and Glen. v1.1
- MSCAN2.LHA 13k 00 010298 Message Scan, update by fellow SysOp
- ORDERFORM.LHA 19k 00 010298 Order form type door for sales.
- LAST5CS.LHA 17k 00 010298 displays the last 5 callers on the BBS
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- LASTCALL.LHA 3k 00 010298 displays the last caller
- LGC1_0.LHA 7k 00 010298 Maxs game: lion, goat and cabbage?
- LGFILEVIEW10.LHA 10k 00 010298 Log file viewer for MAXs BBS
- LHAVIEWER.LHA 4k 00 010298 LHA archive viewer for MAXs
- LIGHTAXX10.LHA 15k 00 010298 Shows stats on wat all users axs's are.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- LGHTBRDEMO10.LHA 114k 00 010298 Light Byte Ratio, a filebase for MAXs
- LIGHTMESS10.LHA 31k 00 010298 Some swedish maxs door, lightmessprint
- LIGHTREQ22.LHA 45k 00 010298 requestor type door
- LINER102.LHA 20k 00 010298 One Liner type door for MAXs BBS..
- LOGIN.LHA 4k 00 010298 a door 2 execute a script upon login
- LOGREAD251SA.LHA 93k 00 010298 log reader
- LST10CALLERZ.LZX 13k 00 010298 Last 10 callers door, for MAXs BBS..
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAX154HR.DMS 677k 01 010298 Fresh from Middle Earth.. __
- __ \/ ____
- / / __ _____ __ / o / ______
- / / / \ / ___/ / / / __/ / __ /
- / /____ / /\ \ / / / / / /__ / / / /
- \_____/ \____/ \/ \/ \___/ \/ \/
- Presents....
- *** MAXsBBS v1.54HR PRO ***
- MAXsBBS but with Hydra and RIP graphics!
- ***** STILL PD! *****
- MAXBOOT.LHA 1k 00 010298 Boot up MAXs from Dopus, or similar.
- MAXCALLS.LHA 8k 00 010298 Program to calculate the top callers.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MAXCPS154.LHA 6k 00 010298 Program to calculate the top transfer spds.
- MAXFILELIST.LHA 9k 00 010298 File list generator for MAXs
- MAXMANAR.LHA 108k 00 010298 Program called MAXs Manager.
- MAXMSGS.LHA 8k 00 010298 Top messages type door.
- MAXSLIST.364 7k 00 010298 Australian MAXs nodelist, for dec'96.
- FILEGEN2.5.LHA 22k 00 010298 Generates file lists, for Maxs
- FILEPATCH152.LHA 2k 00 010298 Maxs patch, enables log-off after download.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FLELISTGEN12.LHA 46k 00 010298 File List Generator v1.2
- FORCEREA.LHA 6k 00 010298 Maxs door: Force area
- FRIDAY.LHA 13k 00 010298 Stab 'em game, Friday.
- GETNODE.LHA 28k 00 010298 Getnode: displays nodlist details..
- HH.LHA 50k 01 010298 Small MAXs game.
- JUMPMENU_1.0.LHA 8k 00 010298 Enables user to skip menus
- KAIKU.LHA 5k 00 010298 Maxs game: Kaiku
- KICKBOX.LZH 9k 00 010298 Kickboxing game, for MAXs
- SAFEBBS.LHA 3k 00 010298 Protect your BBS.
- SCRIPTS.LHA 5k 00 010298 /X\ax's Pro scripts for file_id extraction.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- SCUREGATE1.1.LHA 13k 00 010298 Security gate door, for MAXs
- SE638.LHA 103k 01 010298 Space type game for MAXs, via cli.
- SHIFTER_1.3.LHA 10k 00 010298 MAXs door for file shifting.
- SMARTCPS.LHA 3k 01 010298 Show best CPS rates.
- SMARTOL.LHA 4k 00 010298 Smart One-liner door, for MAXs
- SMARTPAGE.LHA 4k 00 010298 Pager door for MAXs chat
- SOP.LHA 44k 00 010298 Small MAXs game
- WOF.LZX 18k 01 010298 MAXs game: Wheel of Fortune
- WORLD.LHA 87k 00 010298 Text adventure game for MAXs BBS.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- YAHTZEE.LHA 12k 01 010298 Cool game for MAXs, yahtzee
- SYSUSAGE.LHA 5k 01 010298 Displays system usage on the BBS.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- THEWALL.LHA 28k 00 010298 Paragon wall door
- TOPDL10.LHA 7k 00 010298 Top downloader door
- UERPRINT_1.1.LHA 7k 02 010298 Program to create asci user listings.
- UL_LISTER.LHA 19k 00 010298 Displays users uploads on the BBS.
- URLISTER_1.1.LHA 10k 00 010298 User lister, for MAXs BBS.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MTICK100.LHA 18k 00 010298 MAXs tic adder
- MULTIBLTN110.LHA 15k 00 010298 MAXs door: Multi-bulletin
- MIND.LHA 11k 00 010298 MAXs game: Master mind
- MOFI200.LHA 16k 00 010298 Intro door for logging stats
- MQ11.LZX 5k 00 010298 Multi-Quest: An excellent questionnaire door
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MSE_2.35.LHA 105k 00 010298 MAXs Game: Masters Space Empire, not bad.
- MUMASTER_1.4.LZX 17k 01 010298 Menu Master program for MAXs BBS.
- MXSPATCH152A.LHA 4k 00 010298 File check patch for MAXs
- MXS_FASTTERM.LZX 12k 00 010298 MAXs terminal program (comms)
- M_BBSDOWNS11.LHA 10k 00 010298 MAXs Game: BBS Downs, horse betting game.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- N&C_V2.0.LHA 7k 00 010298 Cool game, noughts & crosses, for MAXs.
- MAXS_SWEDEN.TXT 0k 00 010298 Swedish MAXs BBS systems, mid-97.
- MAXUTE_5.LHA 24k 00 010298 MAXs external utility
- NAFPAGER.LHA 48k 01 010298 NAFPager is a MAXsBBS pager programmed
- using AMOSPro 2 and KewlDoors 2.1.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- NAFSHOW.LHA 42k 01 010298 NAFShow is a MAXsBBS ANSIshow programmed
- using AMOSPro 2 and KewlDoors 2.1
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- OUTBNDCNT001.LHA 33k 00 010298 Outbound mailer control!
- PLAYTIMEV1.LHA 15k 00 010298 Restricts access to certain menus or areas
- of the BBS at certain times.
- PPVIEW2.LHA 19k 01 010298 .------------------------------.
- | This is a online PowerPacked |
- | document viewer for MAXsBBS. |
- `------------------------------'
- RANDYQUEST.LHA 19k 01 010298 Randy Questionnaire door, for new users.
- RANDYWALL.LHA 6k 01 010298 Randy graffiti type wall, for Maxs.
- RDOWNLOAD100.LHA 19k 01 010298 Decent Raw Download Door, for the great MAXs
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- PSSWORDENTRY.LHA 8k 00 010298 Password entry, security type door for MAXs
- PUTERFLAME2.LZX 7k 01 010298 Excellent door by Olly, Puter Flame. Makes
- comments about users system wen login.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- QKMESSAGEV21.LHA 8k 00 010298 Quick message door, for MAXs
- QUOTEYDOOR.LHA 43k 00 010298 A door for Quotes.
- WHO_ONLINE2.LHA 40k 01 010298 WHO online by Niki Murkett, exe update
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- REQFILE.LHA 12k 00 010298 MAXs door: Request files door
- STORY_2V1.LHA 7k 00 010298 Story door, for MAXs
- STSUMMARY1.0.LHA 20k 01 010298 Section Summary, for MAXs. Displays message
- and file statistics, etc.
- SWALL.LHA 10k 00 010298 Small door for MAXs
- SYSEVNTLOG.LHA 3k 00 010298 MAXs door: Fido Log Check
- URSPEECH1_10.LHA 8k 00 010298 Userspeech: Notifies SysOp of user logging
- in, by computer speaking users name.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- USERDUMP100.LHA 21k 00 010298 It's a quick util for MAXS will output a
- complete dump of your user.data file in
- a neat, readable ASCII format to a window
- on your WB Screen or to an optionally
- specified textfile.
- VARCV100.LHA 17k 00 010298 Excellent archive viewer door, for MAXs BBS.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- VOICEPAGER.LHA 10k 00 010298 It is a door that, when run, will prompt
- the user for a reason to page you, then use
- the amiga's speech device to alert you to
- who is calling and what it is about.
- VOTE.LHA 12k 00 010298 Voting type door
- MDN-W17.LHA 14k 01 020298 .------------------------------------------.
- | Magic Design Door Development Presents |
- |----------------------------------------- |
- | MagicWall v1.7 for MAXsBBS |
- | Great wall with colour support and |
- | protected agains max's autoinserts. No |
- | more users typing autoinsert X. |
- | |
- | Support BBs: WarLock BBs +46-522-37572 |
- |------------------------------------------|
- | Copyright (c) 1996 by Henrik Olsson |
- `------------------------------------------'
- QUICKW.LHA 8k 00 020298 -: Quick Wall V1.4 A G8 Wall For MAx'S :-
- -: QuickDoors Development HQ :-
- -: All Code Done By GonZo^PoIsoN :-
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TURBOAV12.LHA 15k 00 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1996 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboArchiveViewer 1.2 by Christian Vigard
- Allows Users To Check Into Archived Files!
- Supports A Lot Of Formats! Very GOOD!
- Possible To View File_id.diz's !
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TACKCHECK100.LHA 10k 00 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1995 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboHackCheck 1.00 by Christian Vigard
- The user Must type in his/her phonenumber
- before Downloading.
- Logfile is created if someone is hacking!
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TBOPAGER190A.LHA 28k 01 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1995 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboPager 1.90a by Christian Vigard
- Updated Documentation File !
- Fully Configurable CLI Server
- One of the Best Pager To Max's BBS Around
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TURBOPREZZ10.LHA 9k 01 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1995 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboPrezz 1.0 by Christian Vigard
- A Door Leting New Users Write A Prezz
- Of Him/Her Self To All Other Users!
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TURBOQUEST10.LHA 24k 01 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1995 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboQuest 1.0 (c) Christian Vigard '95
- A UserQuest Door Made For MAX's BBS
- Very Good, Try It!, Written In C!
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TRBOSYSSAY10.LHA 11k 01 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1995 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboSysSay 1.00 by Christian Vigard
- A door leting users say something to the
- SysOp with SAY!..
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TRBOUPTIME20.LHA 8k 01 020298 ============================================
- TurboUptime 2.0 (c) 1995 by Jam
- ============================================
- Shows When The Board Was Last ReBooted
- ============================================
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TRBOWHATPATH.LHA 9k 01 020298 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- .+:. TurboSoft Presents In 1995 .:+:.
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TurboWhatPath 1.0 by Christian Vigard
- "Hunt" For Files! - In All Your FilePaths
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- MNEXTV2.0.LHA 19k 00 020298 Message to next user door
- NMS-AAT.LHA 8k 00 020298 Alpha add-time, maxs door
- NMS-AF.LHA 12k 00 020298 Alpha false, trick users type door 4 maxs
- NMS-ATB.LHA 8k 00 020298 Alpha time bank, for maxs
- NOACC.LHA 10k 00 020298 MAXs door: No Access
- SPACEOMETER.LHA 2k 04 020298 Displays amount of HD space u may have.
- TBOCOMMENT13.LHA 13k 00 020298 Door allowing msging between SysOp & CoSysOp
- TRBOLOGON130.LHA 10k 00 020298 Turbo login door, for MAXs
- TURBONEXT13.LHA 19k 00 020298 Turbo Message to Next user door, for MAXs.
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- TBOREQUEST18.LHA 15k 00 020298 Turbo request file door
- TSTORYDOOR10.LHA 12k 00 020298 Turbo story door
- TRBOUPDATE10.LHA 9k 00 020298 A door to execute scripts
- ZTOPUL101.LHA 13k 00 020298 Swedish top uploader door, for MAXs
- MAC23.LHA 11k 00 160298 __/\ _______________ _____________/\__
- \, Y \ ___/ __Y _ \ \ _ /
- / | T \ __/ __| _ -\ T \ l \
- .-/ l l \ l/ l l \ l d-LIGHT\-.
- |-gt^sy------------------------------------|
- | MaxsALLChange V2.3 |
- | |
- | Have rotating menus/texts. NEW> Change |
- | Mainmenu, Login, Logout, Intro, Guest |
- | & Lockout texts on MaxsBBS |
- `------------------------------------------'
- MIC1_1.LHA 10k 00 160298 __/\ _______________ _____________/\__
- \, Y \ ___/ __Y _ \ \ _ /
- / | T \ __/ __| _ -\ T \ l \
- .-/ l l \ l/ l l \ l d-LIGHT\-.
- |-gt^sy------------------------------------|
- | MaxsIntroChange V1.1 |
- | |
- | by Cool96^iFd |
- | |
- | Now have three different intro screens |
- `------------------------------------------'
- DFB_REGO.LHA 0k 00 210298 The released DFB rego key! ..Now FREE.
- AEMANAGER110.LHA 48k 00 040398 MAXs Archive Manager v1.10
- BBSLISTER.LHA 15k 00 040398 BBS lister program for MAXs
- CHASEEM_V1.1.LHA 9k 00 040398 Excellent game for MAXs by Peter Zelezny
- FILEREQ.LHA 4k 00 040398 -------------------------------------------
- FiLE REQUEST door for MAXs by Peter Zelezny
- -------------------------------------------
- KILLER_I.LHA 46k 01 040398 ...........................
- .....: :··
- : CM crew presents: :
- :............ ..::
- .........Killer Instinct::.
- : A new cool text-online :
- : game for MAX's BBS :
- ..: :
- :....:········: rAVE kiD :...
- :..........:::...:
- MAG-CH_11.LHA 22k 01 040398 mAGNUM-cHAT [v1.10]!
- cHAT dOOR fOR /X\axs
- MAXIMV13.LHA 21k 00 040398 MAXiMAiL v1.3 -- An Offline Reader Package
- for the great M A X's. MAXiMAiL is tops!
- MAXSTAGV2.LHA 55k 00 040398 MAXs Tag Generator
- MDELPATCH152.LHA 2k 00 040398 Patch to remove the file missing from file
- check
- NUTNET.LHA 6k 00 040398 Information on how to join
- the nuttiest mail net around!
- NuTtERNeT is in here! :-)
- JoiN NoW! :-)
- Amiga Nutter BBS 8pm-8am
- Tel: 01707 395414 - The HQ
- PACKMOD.LHA 2k 00 040398
- .-------------------------------.
- | PackMod ,a handy arexx script |
- | for archiving mods |
- `-------------------------------'
- +47 624 20514 Outer Space BBS
- QUOTE2.LHA 43k 00 040398 [adult] MAXs DOOR: Shows adult quotes
- ³ÈÍÍÍÍ»:º: : :º: ::º:ÌÍÍËͼ:ºº:: ³
- ³ÆÍÍÍͼ:ÈÍÍÍ;:ÌÍÍÍ͹:º::ÈÍ»:ºº:::³
- ³::::::::::::::º::::º Ð::::Ð:ÐÐ:::³
- ³,- RamDizk for /X\2, super -,³
- ³;_ fast file diz`s from RAM_;³
- Ô-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-¾
- SMARTUPDATE.LZX 5k 00 040398 Smart Last <Everything> Util - cAPPuCCiNo
- World Distribution via The Nut Factory BBS
- MAX'sNET OZ HUB -- +61 2 822 4366 rotary
- .-----MAXs ViC/OZ SUPPORT/HELP SiTE-----.
- `-----GREMliNS BBS +61-03-9870-4393-----'
- MAIL2.LHA 21k 03 300398 Complete source code to NSA Mail v2.00
- -
- Unfinished & needs some work, but has
- Email server, User select lists,
- delayed ANSI loading system too :)
- -
- SCARTED10.LZX 5k 01 300398 Simple ratio editor for the great MAXsPro!
- WALL_SCR.LHA 4k 00 300398 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==21/3/98==[ NSA Wall v1.00 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Source code to NSA Wall v1.00 (|
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS has now closed down! =:
- WHO_SRC.LHA 4k 00 300398 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==22/3/98==[ WHO Online 1.00 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Source code to WHO Online :) (|
- (| |)
- := ReDrUm BbS Has now closed =:
- FLUFFYPAGER.LZX 1k 02 300398 2 ansi screens for a maxs pager or watever.
- GREMLINS_BBS.LHA 72k 00 300398 .------------------------------------------.
- | Screen shots of the new GREMLiNS - Jan98 |
- `------------------------------------------'
- NAT-PW142.LHA 2k 01 300398 Graffiti wall for MAXs, PezWall v1.42
- ARI_SE.LHA 32k 01 300398 Ari's version of space empire for MAX's
- BBSLIST.LHA 23k 01 300398 bbs lister
- BISTER_V1.00.LHA 18k 01 300398 yet another BBS lister
- CDSEARCH.2.LHA 25k 01 300398 CD search door.
- DFBV13.LHA 208k 00 300398 DFB v1.3 for MAXsBBS by Andrew Leppard
- DFBV131.LHA 208k 00 300398 Dynamic File Base v1.31 for MAXsBBS
- DFB_DEV.LHA 19k 00 300398 +-=-=-=-=THe FiLE SySTeM FRøM HeLL-=-=-=-=-+
- | ANDReW /\__ _______/\__ :
- : LePPaRDs | \| ____/ \ -Dynamic |
- | | _ \ \ __/ | / _/ -File :
- : :| \/ / |::::| \/ \: -Base |
- | :::|__ /l_j::::|___ /::: :
- : .::::::::\/::::::::::::\/::::::. |
- | DEVElOpERs KiT :
- | AsM & C CoDErS NEEd ONlY ApPLy |
- `------------------------------------------'
- FLELISTV1.5X.LHA 24k 01 300398 File list generator by Randy Q, for MAXs!
- FTP11.LHA 5k 02 300398 FTP Door for MAX BBS V 1.1 (Bug Fixes)
- KWALL106.LHA 11k 01 300398 The best Wall program for Maxs BBS -
- updated
- MCHESS.LHA 25k 02 300398 chess game door
- AMIGASTATS.LHA 5k 02 040498 usage graph util
- CMAXCD29.LHA 92k 02 040498 CD-ROM door for maxsbbs
- - - ------------------------ Glen Martin - -
- FREEDL11.LHA 17k 01 040498 Updated Free DL for MAX's BBS!!!
- SMSLOG10.LHA 38k 01 040498 SuperMAXSLog v1 - MAXsBBS Caller/stats
- utility
- VICEPAGER006.LHA 11k 01 040498 pages you with a voice
- JMPMENU-V1.0.LHA 8k 01 060498 Menu Jumping Door V1.0...
- For Max's BBS
- JRAWDL-V1.52.LHA 44k 02 060498 Jazz Raw Download Door V1.52...
- For Max's BBS
- JZPAGER-V3.5.LHA 28k 01 060498 Jazz Pager Door V3.5...
- For Max's BBS
- JPAGER-V2.0M.LHA 94k 00 060498 Jazz Pager Door V2.0...
- For Max's BBS
- JLISTER-V1.1.LHA 43k 00 060498 Jazz File Lister Door V1.1...
- For Max's BBS
- JOTEPRO-V1.1.LHA 93k 00 060498 Jazz Ami Qoute Pro V1.1...
- For Max's BBS
- BDNAME12.LHA 24k 00 090498 BadNames v1.2 for MAXsBBS-checks names at
- login
- DA_BBSORG15.LHA 12k 00 090498 BBS directory organiser - Makes sure files
- are in the right directory.
- FPTIMIZE_1.0.LHA 17k 00 090498 Fast optimiser for MAXs (be careful).
- FRTEND11.LHA 4k 00 090498 Frontend entry password for MAXSBBS
- FUNCYPATCH10.LHA 4k 00 090498 Handy util for those that have MAX's
- iconified
- GLOBALWAR.LHA 66k 02 090498 Decent game door for MAXs (using MaxShell).
- HAIKUV1_1.LHA 29k 00 090498 Haiku --- An online Haiku poetry generator
- INTCHESS.LZH 16k 01 090498 Internationl Chess, for MAXs (may work?).
- MAXSBBS_154.LHA 257k 02 090498 MAXs BBS update, version 1.54
- The last version by Anthony Barrett.
- Want an update.. register MAXs Pro!!
- MSLOGINPATCH.LHA 2k 01 090498 MAXs Login Patch.
- MDOWNS10.LHA 9k 01 090498 MAXs BBS Downs v1.0: Horse Racing game door
- by Peter Zelezny
- OFFPEAK01.LHA 19k 01 090498 gives users more time in off peek times
- PADLOC10.LHA 4k 01 090498 Security door for MAXSBBS
- PAIDUPV1.LHA 50k 00 090498 Door to control node/bbs/menu axs
- PORDENTRYV11.LHA 8k 00 090498 Password Entry type door, for MAXs BBS.
- RECORDSV10.LHA 54k 00 100498 Top Suburbs, Top Computers. (Like the old
- MAX's Up's utils)
- REQOFFLINE.LHA 15k 00 100498 Request files offline.
- RFEV15.LHA 33k 01 100498 Remote file editor, for MAXs. v1.5
- SMARTCHECK.LHA 3k 00 100498 Checks for DOS characters in the users name.
- SMARTNUP.LHA 4k 00 100498 New User Password, for MAXs.
- SSMENUS18C.LHA 47k 00 100498 Latest even lets you run a door from this
- door.
- SUBS_1.5.LHA 20k 00 100498 Subscriptions door.
- SYSVAL01.LHA 10k 00 100498 Door for MAXs BBS reporting system values.
- TENTOPV141.LHA 5k 00 100498 lists top ten files or users one or the
- other
- TICADDERV153.LHA 20k 00 100498 Tic Adder v1.53 - For adding *.tic files
- that may come thru your nets.
- UUPLOADS11.LHA 18k 01 100498 UnFinished Uploads V1.0 for M A X's V1.52
- WALL_2V1.LHA 6k 00 100498 Another graffiti wall type door.
- YESDOOR.LHA 5k 00 100498 A security door for MAXs, User must say YES.
- LOTTERY.LHA 15k 00 100498 Lottery door for MAXs
- LOTTERYV14.LHA 45k 02 100498 MAXsBBS Lottery - awards a door-prize of
- extra time
- URSTATUS142A.LHA 24k 01 100498 User Status v1.42a, for MAXs.
- º Û°°Û° Û° Û° Û° Û° ° Û°°Û°Û°°°Û° º
- º Û° Û° °°°° °°°° °°Û° °°Û°Û°°°Û° º
- º °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° °°°°° º
- º FB - The fastest Max's filebase on earth! º
- º And probably the smallest! Many features. º
- º Unlimited file areas and linked sections. º
- º Assembled 10-04-98 by Olly. All Amigas. º
- MAXSBBSUS.LHA 940k 00 200498 MAXsBBS 1.54 converted for the U.S.
- MENUREXX03.REXX 0k 00 200498 An simple AREXX script for MAXsPRO.
- Just place in scripts/CGI. (sample).
- FLY_WALL_PRO.LZX 43k 01 200498 Upped by the master of the phone bill:
- ³Ú¿³³Ú¿³ ³ ÂÙ³Ú¿³³³³³ ³³ ³ÚÄÙ
- ³³³³³ÀÙ³ ³ÚÙ ³Ú¿´³³³À¿³À¿³ÀÄ¿
- ³³³³ The MAD BOMMA: ÚÄÙ³
- ÀÙÀÙ 0121 559 6154 ÀÄÄÙ
- Digital Fantasies
- 01384 828113
- CSI_CONV.LHA 3k 00 200498 CSI <> ANSI & IBM <> ANSI Convertors.
- For use with MAXs Pro, etc.
- MP3.LHA 8k 00 200498 MPEG 3 script for file diz's with MAXsPro.
- FRILLY_WALL.LZX 42k 01 200498 Upped by the master of the phone bill:
- ³Ú¿³³Ú¿³ ³ ÂÙ³Ú¿³³³³³ ³³ ³ÚÄÙ
- ³³³³³ÀÙ³ ³ÚÙ ³Ú¿´³³³À¿³À¿³ÀÄ¿
- ³³³³ The MAD BOMMA: ÚÄÙ³
- ÀÙÀÙ 0121 532 8655 ÀÄÄÙ
- Digital Fantasies
- 01384 828113
- FLUF_SETUP.LHA 20k 03 200498 Bhodi-li whipped up this sMALL help setup
- for Fluffy Net. Help with fidonet, etc.
- FB11.LZX 47k 00 300498 FB V1.10. Fastest filebase on erarth for
- Max's 1.54+. Freely distributable update to
- FB V1.00. All Amigas, KS 1.3 compatible.
- Unlimited file sections/linked sections too!
- MAXSPRO_OZ.LHA 1k 01 020598 .-----------------------------------------.
- | MAX's BBS Professional Information Pack |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- MAXs BBS PRO Rego/Support Site, Australia
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-7-3807-6884 cALL nOW
- ASM_PACK.LHA 5k 00 030598 MAXs Starter kit, for Assembly programmers.
- GOC.LHA 22k 00 030598 Games of Chance - multiple games to play.
- QUOTES.LHA 11k 00 030598 Displays different quotes each time it's run
- MULTIDOOR.LHA 56k 00 030598 Multiple story adventures door.
- READSYS.LHA 22k 00 030598 ReadSYS: select which logfile to view
- SPORTQZ.LHA 6k 00 030598 MAXs game door, Sport Quiz.
- STORY.LHA 5k 00 030598 Story wall door, for MAXs
- JOKES.LHA 9k 00 030598 Jokes - leave jokes on the wall, etc.
- STICKS.LHA 3k 00 030598 Small silly game door, for MAXs.
- POWERSEND_22.LHA 44k 01 250598 .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
- | S | u | B | - | B | a | S | S |
- `---|---'---'---'---'---'---|---'
- | D - E - S - ! - G - N |
- .-----`-----------------------'-----.
- | Coded by: Techn!x of Sub-Bass BBS |
- `-----.-----------------------.-----'
- (01473) | P o w e r S E N D | (01473)
- 412 842 `-----------------------' 412 842
- O------------------------------------------O
- PowerSEND v2.2 - Message Addresser
- O------------------------------------------O
- PWERRAWDL_13.LHA 29k 00 250598 .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
- | S | u | B | - | B | a | S | S |
- `---|---'---'---'---'---'---|---'
- | D - E - S - ! - G - N |
- .-----`-----------------------'-----.
- | Coded by: Techn!x of Sub-Bass BBS |
- `-----.-----------------------.-----'
- (01473) | P o w e r R a w D L | (01473)
- 412 842 `-----------------------' 412 842
- O------------------------------------------O
- PowerRawDL v1.3 - Raw Download System
- O------------------------------------------O
- PERACCESS_12.LHA 21k 00 250598 Fully feactured access management system!
- POWERPAGE_20.LHA 51k 00 250598 .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
- | S | u | B | - | B | a | S | S |
- `---|---'---'---'---'---'---|---'
- | D - E - S - ! - G - N |
- .-----`-----------------------'-----.
- | Coded by: Techn!x of Sub-Bass BBS |
- `-----.-----------------------.-----'
- (01473) | P o w e r P A G E | (01473)
- 412 842 `-----------------------' 412 842
- O------------------------------------------O
- PowerPAGE v2.0 - Paging System for MAXsBBS
- O------------------------------------------O
- POWERPOLL_13.LHA 47k 00 250598 .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
- | S | u | B | - | B | a | S | S |
- `---|---'---'---'---'---'---|---'
- | D - E - S - ! - G - N |
- .-----`-----------------------'-----.
- | Coded by: Techn!x of Sub-Bass BBS |
- `-----.-----------------------.-----'
- (01473) | P o w e r P O L L | (01473)
- 412 842 `-----------------------' 412 842
- O------------------------------------------O
- | PowerPOLL v1.3 - Polling & Voting System |
- O------------------------------------------O
- PWERRAWUL_13.LHA 23k 00 250598 .---.---.---.---.---.---.---.---.
- | S | u | B | - | B | a | S | S |
- `---|---'---'---'---'---'---|---'
- | D · E · S · I · G · N |
- .-----`-----------------------'-----.
- | Coded by: Techn!x of Sub-Bass BBS |
- `-----.-----------------------.-----'
- Online | P o w e r R a w U L | Online
- Soon `-----------------------' Soon
- O------------------------------------------O
- PowerRawUL v1.2 - Raw Upload System
- O------------------------------------------O
- RENTSP22.LHA 46k 01 250598 /\/\ /\/\
- \/ / Rent Space - The Advert Maker \ \/
- / /\ Version 2.2 - 10-Sep-96 /\ \
- \/\/ Final Release \/\/
- CREMAX1_2.LHA 59k 01 250598 A powerful program that enhances your BBS!
- Read the guide for all feactures of CreMAX!
- H_MAX_222.LHA 265k 00 250598 . . |
- --+----------^-----------+- -
- | Hydra-MAX Enhanced |
- | |
- | Hydra/Smodem for MAX |
- |Filebase system v2.22|
- - -+----------------------+- - -
- |WRiTTeN by C.Elsworth |
- .
- MAXSUPERCD.LHA 83k 03 250598 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / MaxSuperCD by C.C.Wilson \
- \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /
- / Menu driven, no config files reqd \
- \ /
- \ /
- / Registered vers will let you view \
- \ file size and read texts online /
- / \
- \/\ AmigaPhoenix 0151-283-6406 24hrs /\/
- STEXT11.LHA 13k 00 280598 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- \ /
- / SText - A Maxs BBS door \
- \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /
- / \
- \ Prints a text file slowly across the /
- / screen - you can tell it what file \
- \ to print from the door command /
- / Ideal for bulletins or news \
- \ /
- / Amiga Phoenix BBS (+44) 151 252 1282 \
- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
- KFB11.LHA 94k 00 060698 The /<-RaD FileBase V1.1 - Latest Upgrade
- TUUD11E.LHA 211k 00 060698 Looks good but is SHAREWARE (LAMED!)
- TTALFILES101.LHA 5k 00 060698 .------------------.
- | TotalFiles V1.01 |
- `------------------'
- .----------------------------------------.
- | Small CLI/Shell programme for DFB to |
- | replace all MAXsBBS percent C auto |
- |inserts in a file to display the correct|
- | amount of files in the file base. |
- | *BUGFIX* |
- `----------------------------------------'
- .------------------------------------.
- | Prowler/Cydonia^Twisted Logic Inc. |
- MAXBLUE11.LHA 25k 00 060698 MaxBlue update, version 1.1 (1998)
- | ____ _____ |
- | | | | |
- | |__| | R E G I S T R Y |
- | | | |
- | | __|__ v0.4ß |
- | |
- | Written by Benjamin Ortega |
- |_______________________________|
- USERSPEECH2.LHA 45k 00 060698 User Speech 2, for MAXs
- BSHG3.LHA 46k 04 170698 .-------------------------------------.
- | _________________ /\ _ /\ |
- | \ o ) | | _ | _ X__)__| | (__)BLi |
- | | o \ _ | | | | / |__| |__| |TiL |
- | l___/_|__l___l__/l__| l____l__|'98 |
- | |
- | Presents: BBS Setup And Help |
- | Guide For Maxs BBS |
- | And /X\axspro 2.0+ |
- `-------------------------------------'
- CLEANDIZ_13.LHA 3k 03 280698 CleanDIZ 1.3 (9.4.98) ©1998 Steve Clack
- (with fix by Er!ny) -- Removes orphaned
- file_id.diz's, for the Maxspro filebase
- INFERN0GRABS.LHA 33k 00 280698 .--------------------------------------.
- | ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ -iD- |
- | (_) \| | __| __| _ \ \| |/ \ |
- | | | .` | _|| _|| / .` | () |-dESIGN-|
- | |_|_|\_|_| |___|_|_\_|\_|\__/ |
- `-------------------.-------------------'--.
- .-------------------| 22/06/1998 |
- |-iNFERN0^bBS-gRABS-`----------------------'
- |------------------- |
- | -sCREEN-gRABS-fROM-tHE-nEWEST-&- |
- | -kEWLEST-bBS-oN-tHE-sCENE.-D/L-nOW- |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- MODEMOFF.LHA 48k 00 280698 .-----------------------.
- | --iNFERN0-BBS-- |
- | |
- | 2 tURN oFF mODEM |
- | |
- | 24 hRZ 7 DAYz |
- `-----------------------'
- IDMAILBOX.LHA 9k 01 280698 .--------------------------------------.
- | ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ -iD- |
- | (_) \| | __| __| _ \ \| |/ \ |
- | | | .` | _|| _|| / .` | () |-dESIGN-|
- | |_|_|\_|_| |___|_|_\_|\_|\__/ |
- `-------------------.-------------------'--.
- .-------------------| 21/06/1998 |
- | -iD-mAILbOX- `----------------------'
- | ------------ |
- | -fOR-mAXS,-bY-fLAMe^iNFERN0^dESIGN- |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- MAXS_CDRV3_1.LHA 54k 05 070898 - -- ---------------------------------- -- -
- Another CD-Rom door created in 1998 for MAXs
- - - -- ------------------------------ -- - -
- LIFE!.LZX 11k 02 080898 * __ * _____.______
- . / /. / _/ __/ __/ *
- / /___/ // _// _/ .
- * /____/___/_/ /___/*
- . .
- . * v1.1
- Revives MAXS AMOS Doors
- Once They've hung ya system
- No More Losing Users ;)
- --> /X\ultinode Pack <--
- IBBSGUIDE.LHA 6k 00 080898 .--------------------------------------.
- | ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ __ -iD- |
- | (_) \| | __| __| _ \ \| |/ \ |
- | | | .` | _|| _|| / .` | () |-dESIGN-|
- | |_|_|\_|_| |___|_|_\_|\_|\__/ |
- `-------------------.-------------------'--.
- .-------------------| 21/08/1998 |
- |-iNFERN0^bBS.gUIDE-`----------------------'
- | ----------------- |
- | -iT'S sYSOP fLAMe. d/L & hAVE a lAFF |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- IMESSY.LHA 45k 01 080898 ____________ ____________
- / _ / __/ _ / / _ / _ / __/
- / _/ / / _ / / _ / _ /__ /
- /_/_/___/___/ /___/___/___/ presents
- Instant Message V1 - By Lee Marchment
- 12/07/98. UserMsg on the Workbench.
- GREMLiNS BBS: World MAXs Support Site
- KALRDL.LZX 10k 01 080898 ------ BEGIN STIMDIZ @0 -------
- A Raw Download Door For
- Just Try It Thats All I Ask
- ------- END STIMDIZ @1 -------
- LINECHATV3.LZX 12k 01 080898 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--
- = =
- - -= LineChat V3 =- -
- = Now Fully Configurable =
- - Kaleidoscope BBS =
- = 0151 474 1183 -
- - =
- - =
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- SYSMSGSERV.LZX 12k 02 080898 SysopMSGService - Checks the current user
- online and if there`s a filename for them
- in the sms.cfg it displays it ..THATS IT!
- By Trevor Rycraft - Kaleidoscope BBS (uk)
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-7-3807-6884 MAXs Support
- USERMENU_15.LHA 12k 01 080898 .-------------------------------.
- : User Menu Version 1.5 :
- : By Lee Marchment of RGB :
- : - 19/04/98 - :
- `-------------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS - World MAXs Site!
- ANSIINVADERS.LHA 27k 01 080898 Ansi Invaders --- Space Invaders clone game
- GRABMAIL21.LHA 29k 03 080898 GrabMail v2.1
- MAXID-056.LHA 28k 01 080898 Patch to handle ID-diz files in max's bbs
- MAXFILESIZE.LHA 20k 01 080898 CLI File size fixer
- ZED-CODES.LHA 51k 01 190998 .-----------------------------------------.
- | A small pack of Source Codes in BASIC |
- | written by Peter Zelezny, for MAXsBBS |
- | |
- | Released to the Public by Glen Martin |
- | of GREMLiNS BBS -- World MAXs Support |
- | for MAXs SysOps and programmers alike |
- `-----------------------------------------'
- PKTMAIL_10.LHA 16k 01 260998 .----------------------------------------.
- | PktMail v1.0 -> Text-To-Pkt-converter. |
- | Automaticly post messages to the BBS.. |
- | Works with ALL Amiga BBS systems! GUI! |
- `----------------------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-7-3807-6884 MAXs Site
- MS-HELP.LHA 22k 00 260998 --- - ------------------------------- - ---
- A small help & setup package for MAXs Shell
- --- - ----------------------------- - ---
- Put together by Glen Martin of GREMLiNS BBS
- -- ------------------------------------- --
- EXECHECK.LHA 45k 01 071098 AsYLuMÍw/EÍ10pm-7amÍo141Í884Í457b
- ³ÈÍÍÍÍ»:º: : :º: ::º:ÌÍÍËͼ:ºº:: ³
- ³ÆÍÍÍͼ:ÈÍÍÍ;:ÌÍÍÍ͹:º::ÈÍ»:ºº:::³
- ³International:º::::º Ð::::Ð:ÐÐ:::³
- ³,-Amiga Binary check script-,³
- ³;_for /X\II w/ trojan scan _;³
- Ô-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-Í-¾
- BULKADD.LHA 11k 00 071098 FiLE ADDER for MAXs
- FLUFFYNET.LHA 47k 00 131098 .---Oct98-----------------------------.
- | /\___ BaaAAaaA |
- | @@@@@@@@@@@ o \ / |
- | @@@@ FLUFFY @@@___/ |
- | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ |
- |-----@-@@@@@@@@@@@@------------------|
- | || || World Domination |
- | ~~ ~~ |
- | Starter Kit for FluffyNet |
- | The World's Fluffiest Network |
- | Join today! |
- `-------------------------------------'
- FLUFYPPLE.LHA 133k 00 131098 the Fluffy gang in UK (past & present). JPG
- FLUFMEET.LHA 10k 00 131098 ____ _ UK ___ ___ <--------.
- | __| |_ _ / _|/ _|_ _ :
- | _|| | || | _| _| || | :
- |__| |_|\_,_|__| |__| \_, | :
- ___ ___ _ |__/ :
- | \/ |___ ___| |_ :
- | |\/| / -_) -_) _| July :
- |__| |__\___\___|\__| 1998 :
- :
- Logfile of the UK Fluffy Meet <--'
- Section #3 - NSA, LSD & BSP
- YAANCHAT130.LHA 77k 01 290198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==1/12/97==[ Yaan-Chat v1.30 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Simply THE most powerful chatter (|
- (| for /X\2 and Max's 1.54. Period. |)
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- YAANCHAT.LHA 67k 01 290198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==5/5/97===[ Yaan-Chat v1.25 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Simply THE most powerful chatter (|
- (| for MAX's BBS Pro & MAX's BBS 1.54 |)
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- NSA_SECUR11.LHA 55k 02 290198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==27/6/97==[ Security v1.10 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Professional Security System For (|
- (| MAX's BBS/MAX's Professional |)
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- NSA_SECURITY.LHA 54k 00 290198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==4/6/97===[ Security v1.00 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Professional Security System For (|
- (| MAX's BBS/MAX's Professional |)
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- NSA_STATS20.LHA 52k 00 290198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==01/6/97==[ NSA Stats v2.00 ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Simply the Kewlest Statz Door for (|
- (| MAXsBBS Professional |)
- |) (|
- := sUB-bASS bBS +44 (0)1473 412 842 =:
- KEWLRAW_15.LHA 47k 01 290198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlRAW 1.5 - The BEST raw download door!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- KEWLCD_CFGS.LHA 60k 03 290198 -------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------
- MAXs & MAXsPRO Support Site, GREMLiNS BBS
- KEWLCDPRO_16.LHA 209k 03 290198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlCD Pro V1.6 - Kewlest CD-Rom door ever!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- NIKI.JPG 32k 02 290198 A Pic of Mr Niki Murkett...
- Creator of Maxs Pro and Fluffy Net.
- NSA-CPOS_10.LHA 3k 01 290198 Excellent cli-util to position cursor in
- ansi screens .............. nSA dESIGN ..
- NIKI_SOBER.JPG 19k 01 290198 Another pic of Niki Murkett.. sober? ;-}
- NSA-LOGON_20.LHA 110k 03 290198 NSA Logon v2.0 - Ultimate user logon options
- door with multinode support.... nSA dESIGN..
- NSA-PATCH14.LHA 47k 02 290198 :========================================:
- (: ___ ____ ___ :)
- :) ---/ . \---/ __/---/ _ \--- (:
- (: -/ | \-/\__ \-/ . \- :)
- :) --\__|__/-\_____/-\__|__/-- (:
- (: :)
- :==23/8/97==[ nSA pATCH v1.40 ]==========:
- (: :)
- :) Speed Up Almost ANY Executable File! (:
- (: EVEN Commercial Games & Demos!!! :)
- :) (:
- :========= rEDRUM bBS ^ nSA WHQ =========:
- NSA-NEXT_1.LHA 14k 02 290198 A next message to next caller door for the
- great Maxs Pro ........... nSA dESIGN ...
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- NSA-MAIL_16.LHA 87k 03 290198 NSA-Mail v1.6 -- The best mail conference
- door for the great MAXs BBS ...nSA dESIGN..
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- NA_NETSKIP11.LHA 46k 02 290198 .. _____ .
- :::: / \ :: ::
- ::: :::: \ \/ :::::::
- ::::: ::::/\ \ ::: :::
- :: ::: ::/ \:::: ::::
- :: :::::\_______:::: ::::
- ----*-------**------***-----
- nET-sKIP v1.1o
- -=-
- Configurable Mail Scanner For
- Max's Professional Or /X\2
- -=-
- NA-STATUS_13.LZX 51k 02 300198 NSA-Status ..
- NSA_WHO.LHA 48k 01 300198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==1/6/97==[ WHO Online v1.25 ]=========|
- (| |)
- |) Real-Time WHO Online Door For (|
- (| MAX's BBS Professional v1.00+ |)
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- NSA_VERTZ.LHA 28k 00 300198 |==========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) .------/ . \---/ __/---/ _ \-------' (|
- (: .----/ | \-/\__ \-/ . \-----' :)
- |) .-----\__|__/-\_____/-\__|__/------' (|
- (| |)
- |>=[ 13/06/97 ]==[ NSA Vertz v1.1 ]=<|
- (| |)
- |) The Best Random ANSI Displayer (|
- (| Features Logoff Adverts (Auto-Twitz) |)
- |) (|
- :==========================================:
- NSAFILEGEN.LHA 104k 02 300198 |=====================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (| / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |====[ Filelist Generator v 1.10 ]====|
- (: List Generator For MAX's, :)
- :) MAX's Pro & Spin Diz File Bases. (:
- ): Handles ASCII & Guide Output :)
- :) 500+ Files/Sec Max Scanning Speed (:
- Redrum BBS [o1635] 82672o 24Hrz 33.6K
- NSA_NETSKIP.LHA 46k 00 300198 .. _____ .
- :::: / \ :: ::
- ::: :::: \ \/ :::::::
- ::::: ::::/\ \ ::: :::
- :: ::: ::/ \:::: ::::
- :: :::::\_______:::: ::::
- ----*-------**------***-----
- nET-sKIP v1.oo
- -=-
- Configurable Mail Scanner For
- Max's Professional Or /X\2
- -=-
- USERED_10.LHA 63k 03 300198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- LSD User Editor 1.0 - User Editor on WB!!
- .. A MAXs BBS prog (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- MMC_13.LHA 66k 01 300198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- [ presents ] __|
- -=- MMC - Mega Multinode Chat 1.3 -=-
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- NSA_SEC2.LHA 11k 01 300198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) __ / . \ _ / __/ _ / _ \ __ (|
- (: __ / | \ /\__ \ / . \ __ :)
- |) __\__|__/_\_____/_\__|__/__ (|
- (| |)
- |==8/11/97==[ Security v2.oo ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) fULL sPEC sECURITY sYSTEM fOR /X\2 (|
- |) (|
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 <o>1635 82672o 33.6K =:
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- KINGQUEST.LHA 48k 00 310198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KingQuest 4.0 - The BEST questionnaire door
- .. A MAXs BBS door ©1997 Steve Clack! ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- CGI_PACK1.LHA 8k 04 310198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==9/11/97==[ CGI Pack v1.oo ]==========|
- (| |)
- |) Script support utils for /X\2 (|
- (| |)
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- FILEBALM_11.LHA 48k 02 310198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- FileBalm 1.1
- Moves BBS files into correct directories!
- .. A MAXs BBS prog (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- HTMLFILETYPE.LHA 8k 02 310198 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==26/10/97===[ /X\2 Support ]===========|
- (| |)
- |) HTML File Type for /X\2 ONLY!! (|
- (| |)
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- USERBASR.LHA 49k 01 310198 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- -=-=-=-= LSD Userbase Explorer 1.0 =-=-=-=-
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- NMD_10.LHA 56k 01 020298 /\_____ ____/\__ ____/\
- ::/o Vo Vo \:::
- :::|| . |: [___|| | \:::
- ::::|| | |___ || \:::
- :::|: | | ] |: | /::
- ::|___|__ |________| __|___/::
- ~~~~~~\|pRe$En7$|/~~~~~
- --------/ NSA Menu Diverter v1.0 \--------
- --------\ For MAXsBBS Professional /--------
- -[ sUB-bASS bBS - (o!473) 4!Z 84Z - 24hRZ ]-
- NSA-STATS_22.LZX 49k 02 040398 |==========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) .------/ . \---/ __/---/ _ \-------' (|
- (: .----/ | \-/\__ \-/ . \-----' :)
- |) .-----\__|__/-\_____/-\__|__/------' (|
- (| |)
- |>=[ 25/06/97 ]==[ NSA Stats v2.2 ]=<|
- (| |)
- |) The Best Scene Style Statz Door for (|
- (| MAXsBBS and MAXsBBS Professional |)
- |) (|
- :===[ sUB-bASS bBS - (0¡473) 4¡Z 84Z ]===:
- KLCHAT-V1.00.LHA 268k 01 040498 Kewl Chat Version 1.00
- By Niki Murkett...
- YAANSOURCE.LHA 34k 00 200498 |========================================|
- (| ___ ____ ___ |)
- |) / . \ / __/ / _ \ (|
- (: / | \ /\__ \ / . \ :)
- |) \__|__/ \_____/ \__|__/ (|
- (| |)
- |==19/3/98==[ Yaan-Chat v1.30 ]==========|
- (| |)
- (| |)
- := ReDrUm BbS +44 (0)1635 826720 33.6K =:
- LSD_OZ.LHA 3k 00 010598 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- LSD DOORS Rego & Support Site, Australia
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-7-3807-6884 Open 24 Hrz
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- PHONEINFO_15.LHA 62k 00 010598 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- PhoneInfo 1.5 - Tells callers how much their
- call is costing them while calling you.
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- KEWLPAGE_26.LHA 87k 02 010598 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlPage 2.6 - The _ultimate_ page door!!
- . A MAXs/Paragon door (c)1998 Steve Clack .
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- KEWLSTORY_11.LHA 45k 00 010598 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlStory 1.1 - your users make up a story!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1997 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- DRSCANNER_14.LHA 69k 05 010598 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- DirScanner 1.4 - Creates .KewlCDPro Configs
- An LSD Doors Proggy - (c)1998 Steve Clack
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- BSP-INF.TXT 7k 00 020598 ___ ___ ___
- bS! _ ) __| _ |
- .----| _(|__ | _|-pRESENTS--------.
- | |___)___|_| |
- | |
- | mEMBERS fOR bSP! |
- | |
- | wANT aNY wORK? tHEN cONTACT mE! |
- | |
- `-26.4.98----[+44]-(o)-17o7-395414-'
- BP-REBOOT1_0.LHA 6k 02 020598 ___ ___ ___
- bS! _ ) __| _ |
- .----| _(|__ | _|-pRESENTS--------.
- | |___)___|_| |
- | |
- | bSP/nSA-rEBOOT! |
- | |
- ! CLI Reboot Utility v1.00 !
- | |
- : :
- `--19.4.98---[+44]-(o)-17o7-395414-'
- BSP-MARKER.LHA 15k 01 020598 ::>aMIGA nUTTER o17o7 395414<::
- :: ___ ___ ___ ::
- :: | _ ) __| _ | ::
- :: | _(|__ | _| ::
- :: |___)___|_| ::
- ::::::::::[ pRESENT ]::::::::::
- :: [BSP Marker 1.00] ::
- :: 2o.8.97 ::
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :: Mark files externally ::
- :: with MAXs BBS and ::
- :: Magic File 3.x ::
- BSP-REASON.LHA 23k 01 020598 ___ ___ ___
- bS! _ ) __| _ |
- .----| _(|__ | _|-pRESENTS--------.
- | |___)___|_| |
- | |
- | bSP-rEASON v1.00! |
- | |
- ! gUI tO sELECT rEASON tO bE OUT! !
- : fOR uSE wITH kEWLPAGE 2.5+ :
- | |
- `------------[+44]-(o)-17o7-395414-'
- MAIL2.LHA 21k 00 060698 Complete source code to NSA Mail v2.00
- -
- Unfinished & needs some work, but has
- Email server, User select lists,
- delayed ANSI loading system too :)
- -
- DOWNTOWN_10.LHA 53k 02 170698 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- DownTown 1.0 - Replacement download door!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- KEWLPAGE_27.LHA 139k 00 170698 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlPage 2.7 - The _ultimate_ page door!!
- .. A MAXs BBS Door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- KEWLRAW_16.LHA 54k 00 170698 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlRAW 1.6 - The best raw download door!
- Now includes source code!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- MAGICFILE_43.LHA 189k 02 170698 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- MagicFile 4.3 - The best filebase enhancer!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- MAGICFILE_44.LHA 193k 00 280698 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- MagicFile 4.4 - The best filebase enhancer!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- KEWLCDPRO_20.LHA 310k 01 120798 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- KewlCD Pro V2.0 - Kewlest CD-Rom door ever!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- MMC_14.LHA 66k 01 070898 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- [ presents ] __|
- -=- MMC - Mega Multinode Chat 1.4 -=-
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- MAGICFILE_45.LHA 194k 01 210898 __ _
- | o _. o _| (_ _ _|_ _|_ _.._ _
- |_|(_||_||(_| __)(_) | _ |_\/\/(_|| (/_
- | | \ _ _ o _ ._
- [ presents ] |_/(/__> |(_|| |
- __|
- MagicFile 4.5 - The best filebase enhancer!
- .. A MAXs BBS door (c)1998 Steve Clack ..
- > Call Total Eclipse on +44(0)1983 522428 <
- GREMLiNS BBS - The World MAXs Support Site!
- NSA_KEY.LHA 39k 00 131098 .--------------------------------.
- | NSA Key creator (c) Niki^NSA |
- : Creates key to run NSA doors :
- | (maxs door, place in doors:) |
- `--------------------------------'
- Section #4 - FLE
- FLEPATCH.LHA 1k 01 310198 FLEPatch by Olly Koenders : 03-01-97
- Patches a bug either in FLE List or
- the Hisoft BASIC runtime libraries!
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- DEVELOPER.LHA 4k 01 310198 ------------------------------------
- Small Developer Pack/Example for FLE
- ------------------------------------
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-9870-4393
- ------------------------------------
- FLE-CDROM.LHA 19k 01 310198 --------------------------------------------
- Short: FLE-CDRoM Door for MAXs-FLE SysOps
- Uploader: glen.martin@empire.bbs.net.au
- Author: Peter Zelezny & Glen Martin
- Type: comm/maxs
- ----------------------------[ DFB SUX ]-----
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FLE_SECNAME.LHA 8k 02 010298 .--------------------------------------.
- | Teeny Tiny Package for FLE, by Marty |
- | Using MAXsPro 2 enables section name |
- | to be displayed on file menus.. Wow! |
- | For FLE stuff call HQ - GREMLiNS BBS |
- `--------------------------------------'
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FLE_FONTS.LHA 19k 01 020298 Fonts to be used with FLE util programs!
- - --------------------------- Glen Martin --
- FLE_KILLD.LHA 6k 01 020298 Usefull FLE util to overcum a FLE bug. May97
- FLETOPDL.LZX 14k 02 020298 File Lister Express Top Download Generator
- Version 1.00
- FLETopDl is Copyright 1997 Richard Barker.
- FE_CDROMDOOR.LZX 13k 02 160298 .----------------------------------.
- |* FLE Update *|
- `----------------------------------'
- .----------------------------------.
- |::::::[ CD-Rom Door for FLE ]:::::|
- | Same as the original CD-Rom Door |
- | but thanks to ZeD, can be used |
- | with the great FLE ! |
- |:::Bought to you by Glen Martin:::|
- `----------------------------------'
- FLE-A-CDROM.LZX 11k 00 160298 .--------------------------------------.
- | FLE-A-CDRoM DOOR for MAXs-FLE SysOps |
- | |
- `--------------------------------------'
- FLE-CDROM!.LHA 54k 01 160298
- .-----------------------------------.
- | F L E - C D R O M F i L E S |
- `-----------------------------------'
- FLE-FILES.LZX 21k 01 160298 .------------------------------------------.
- |------------------------------------------|
- | Allows only 1 file to be marked at any 1 |
- | time (removes xx-XX option). Also BugFix |
- `------------------------------------------'
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-3-987-4393 FLE SUPPORT
- FLE-STATS.LHA 7k 00 160298
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-7-3807-6884
- FLECDROMV1.2.LZX 12k 01 160298 .----------------------------------.
- |* FLE-CDRoM Door v1.2 *|
- +----------------------------------+
- | Update Fix for FLE-CDRoMDoor ! |
- `----------------------------------'
- .::::[ Bought to you by Marty ]::::.
- FLE_083.LHA 216k 00 160298 .-----------------------------------------.
- | ...::::: F.L.E. Version 0.83 :::::... |
- +-----------------------------------------+
- | |
- | A Complete FileBase Replacement For |
- | MAXsBBS. Most Powerful Of Its Kind. |
- | |
- GREMLiNS BBS +61-7-3807-6884 SUPPORT SiTE
- | |
- `-----------------------[ 15.09.96 ]------'
- FLE_GOODBYE.LHA 3k 00 160298 [ GoodBye ]
- Small * FLE * Program(MAXsDoor)
- (c)1996 Glen Martin
- GREMLiNS BBS 61-7-3807-6884
- MAXs (+FLE) Support/Help Site
- FLE_TOPS.LHA 4k 00 160298 ---------------------------------------------
- FLE_TOP_STATS: A small (external) FLE utility
- which displays the top lists for KB uploaders
- or downloaders (leeches) and nutting more! ;)
- ---------------------------------------------
- FLE_UTIL.LHA 4k 00 160298 ---------------------------------------
- FLE_USERLiST : Small Util for FLE ..
- ---------------------------------------
- ©1996 by Peter Zelezny & Glen Martin
- ---------------------------------------
- US_FLE.LHA 2k 00 160298 .------------------------------.
- | -+- USER_STATS for FLE -+- |
- | .simple ansi screen. |
- `------------------------------'
- FLE_096.LHA 254k 02 210498 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ |
- : ( -- ) File Lister Express |
- | __\ () /__ (FLE) Version 0.96 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ for MAXsBBS/MAXsPro |
- |_/ (_ _) \ |
- / __ / / __\_ FileBase Replacement|
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/----Final-Release----'
- Glen Martin
- FLE_SOURCE.LHA 174k 03 210498 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ |
- : ( -- ) File Lister Express |
- | __\ () /__ ( FLE ) Source Code |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ Package for you all |
- |_/ (_ _) \ |
- / __ / / __\_ FileBase Replacement|
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/----Final-Release----'
- Section #5 - MAXsBBS Stuff by Marty
- SLOW_USER.LHA 3k 00 010298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SLOW USER |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays screen to |
- / __ / / __\_ slow modem users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
- S_LOG12_NSA.LHA 5k 00 140298 ______
- |) oz .| aUSTRALIAN .
- . ___|| ==( nSA dESIGN gROUP .
- . (_____/\/\_| :
- : \|(oo)|/ pROULDY pRESENTS !
- : ( -- ) |
- ! __\ <> /__ sUPER lOG v1.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ sHOWS lAST cALLERS |
- / __ / / __\_ aND uSER/bBS sTATS |
- \_/ X mARTY )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-wORLD-mAXs-sUPPORT--'
- AFL_TIPS.LHA 10k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ AFL-TiPPiNG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Tipping Set Up For |
- / __ / / __\_ The Sport AFL |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- Glen Martin
- AMIVOTE.LHA 10k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ AMi VOTE |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Voting Type Door |
- / __ / / __\_ Original By Jon |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- AMIWALL.LHA 5k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ AMi WALL |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Graffiti Wall Type |
- / __ / / __\_ Door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- BBS-ADVERT.LHA 7k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ BBS ADVERT |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Display/Advertise |
- / __ / / __\_ Bulletin Boards |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- CALLBBS.LHA 8k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ CALL BBS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Add & Display Other |
- / __ / / __\_ Bulletin Boards |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- FFL_V13.LHA 14k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FUCKiNG FAST LOGiN |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows Quick Login |
- / __ / / __\_ For SysOp/Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- FUKWITS_21.LHA 5k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FUKWiTS v2.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Security Type Door |
- / __ / / __\_ Locks Users Out |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- HANGAMI.LHA 7k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ HANG AMi |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Hang Man Type Game |
- / __ / / __\_ Original By Zed |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-MAXs-World-Support--'
- HD_MENUS.LHA 10k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ HD MENUS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Set Of Menus For |
- / __ / / __\_ Hackers Delight |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- INTROSTATS.LHA 3k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ iNTRO STATS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays user/BBS |
- / __ / / __\_ stats during login |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- IS_22.LHA 4k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ iNTRO STATS v2.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays User/BBS |
- / __ / / __\_ Stats Upon Login |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- LAST10.LHA 3k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ LAST 10 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays last ten |
- / __ / / __\_ callers & stats |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MAXSTD.LHA 60k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MAXsTD |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Hack To Run MAXs & |
- / __ / / __\_ Trapdoor Together |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MAXS_GUIDE.LHA 50k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MAXs GUiDE |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ MAXs doc in Amiga |
- / __ / / __\_ Guide format |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Email-me-anytime!--'
- Glen Martin
- MISSION.LHA 6k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs File |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ THE MiSSiON |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A Game For The Door |
- / __ / / __\_ Multi-Adventure |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MMC_PACK.LHA 21k 03 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Pack |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ Screens for MMC |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Mega Multinode Chat |
- / __ / / __\_ by Steve Clack, LSD |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- MULTI_MENUS.LHA 15k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MULTi MENUS v1.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows More Menu |
- / __ / / __\_ Sets On The BBS |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- NBL-TIPS.LHA 14k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NBL-TiPPiNG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Tipping Set Up For |
- / __ / / __\_ NBL Basketball |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- OBBS_LIST_35.LHA 304k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ OZ BBS LiST v3.5 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Ozzie BBS Lister |
- / __ / / __\_ Update |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Fluffy-Net-Rocks---'
- PASSW_CHECK.LHA 5k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ PASSWORD CHECK |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ Mat _) \ Asks the User to |
- / __ / / __\_ Change Password |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- READ_ME_2.LHA 21k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ READ ME v2.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Shows BBS Related |
- / __ / / __\_ Text Files |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- SETTINGS.LHA 33k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ Settings |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ MAXs User Settings |
- / __ / / __\_ With A Heading |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-MAXs-World-Support--'
- SUPER_LOG.LHA 4k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SUPER LOG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Shows Last Callers |
- / __ / / __\_ and User/BBS Stats |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- SYSOPMENU.LHA 3k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SYSOPS MENU |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A SysOps Only Menu |
- / __ / / __\_ With Options |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-For-All-MAXs-Needs--'
- SYSTEM_STATS.LHA 5k 01 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SYSTEM STATS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays System |
- / __ / / __\_ Stats And Info |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- THE_WALL_11.LHA 7k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ THE WALL v1.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Another Graffiti |
- / __ / / __\_ Type Wall |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- TIME_BANK.LHA 7k 03 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ TiME BANK |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ BBS Time Bank Menu |
- / __ / / __\_ Options |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
- UPLOAD2SYSOP.LHA 4k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ UPLOAD 2 SYSOP |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Send Uploads Direct |
- / __ / / __\_ To The SysOp |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USERMSG.LHA 9k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER MESSAGE |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows users to |
- / __ / / __\_ leave a user msg |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Hello-to-Zeffy-----'
- USERS_LIST.LHA 4k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER LiST |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Displays Users |
- / __ / / __\_ Details |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USER_CFG.LHA 8k 02 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER CFG |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ User Configuration |
- / __ / / __\_ Menu Options |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--MAXs-Pro-Rules-----'
- USER_CHECK.LHA 12k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER CHECK |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A Verification Type |
- / __ / / __\_ Door for Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USER_MSG_32.LHA 64k 00 160298 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER MSG v3.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Excellent Leave |
- / __ / / __\_ User Msg Door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- NO_PASSWORD.LHA 13k 00 210398 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NO PASSWORD |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Users can leave msg |
- / __ / / __\_ for their Password |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- USER_MSG_35.LHA 10k 00 150498 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ USER MSG v3.5 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Excellent Leave |
- / __ / / __\_ Users Msg Door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- NEW_USER.LHA 8k 00 010598 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NEW USER |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ My login sequence |
- / __ / / __\_ for New Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Made-in-Australia--'
- NEW_USER_V2.LHA 12k 01 010598 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ NEW USER v2.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ My login sequence |
- / __ / / __\_ for New Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--(c)-Glen-Martin----'
- MY_VERSION.REGO 5k 01 070698 --------------------------------------------
- "My Version" (c) Marty of GREMLiNS MAXsWARE.
- --------------------------------------------
- Application form for personlised versions of
- certain MAXs doors, created by "Glen Martin"
- --------------------------------------------
- GLEN_MARTIN.LHA 107k 02 210698 --------------------------------------------
- Okay, I got bored and decided to create this
- archive which includes a sexy (iff) picture
- of myself, plus the BBS login screen. Wow!?!
- --------------------------------------------
- Email .......: gmartin@technet2000.com.au
- BBS .........: GREMLiNS BBS, +61-7-3807-6884
- Fluffy Net ..: 888:601/0.0 (public msg)
- --------------------------------------------
- SHOW_GREMS!.LHA 29k 02 120798 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another product: |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ GREMLiNS Preview |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ A 10 min ansi_anim |
- / __ / / __\_ of Gremlins BBS.. |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-See-u-all-in-2000?--'
- SPEED_11.LHA 11k 01 250798 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ SPEED v1.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Makes a Users Login |
- / __ / / __\_ a little quicker |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
- U2S.LHA 9k 01 010898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ U2S v1.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Upload 2 SysOp only |
- / __ / / __\_ type door |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
- LOG_USER.LHA 3k 04 040898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ LOG USER |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Keeps a log of each |
- / __ / / __\_ user that logs on |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---(c)-GM-NSA-LSD----'
- FOR_SALE_21.LHA 13k 01 080898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FOR SALE v2.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows users to |
- / __ / / __\_ advertise stuff |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--World-MAXs-Site----'
- MAXS_CODERS.LHA 10k 00 110898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another product: |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MAXs CODERS |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Past & Present MAXs |
- / __ / / __\_ Support People. |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-Edition:-25-Jul-98--'
- SETUP_10.LHA 31k 01 220898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ Setup v1.0 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ BBS settings with a |
- / __ / / __\_ difference |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-World-MAXs-Support--'
- PW_CHECK.LHA 9k 00 290898 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ PASSWORD CHECK v1.1 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Gives option to |
- / __ / / __\_ change password |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/--Life's-a-Bitch-----'
- FLUFFY_GUIDE.LHA 19k 01 300898 __()__
- |) Oz .| .
- . ___|| ==( FLUFFY NET GUiDE .
- . (_____/\/\_| (c)1997-98 Glen Martin :
- : \|(oo)|/ |
- : ( -- ) AN AMiGA GUiDE OF |
- | __\ () /__ ALL FLUFFY NET BBS'S |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ AND iT'S SYSOPS. |
- |_/ (_ _) \ |
- / __ / / __\_ 30-Aug-98 |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---GREMLiNS-BBS------'
- PAPA_PACK1.LHA 18k 00 300898 _______ _____ ______ _____ __ __
- ( ) . ) __ )__ | | |
- / | | | | < | |_ _|
- \__|_| |__| |__|) ) | | | |
- `--' `--' `--' `--' `-'
- [--------------------------------------]
- [----------------pack-#1---------------]
- MULTI-MENUS.LHA 8k 00 010998 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ MULTI MENUS v1.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows more menu |
- / __ / / __\_ sets on the BBS |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-+61-7-3807-6884-----'
- FUKWITS_22.LHA 8k 00 120998 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FUKWITS v2.2 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Locks LUsers out |
- / __ / / __\_ like Greg Thomas |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ and Paul Demark! |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/---------------------'
- MAXS_FILES.LHA 100k 00 200998 .-------------------------------------------.
- +-------------------------------------------+
- | File List Updated On: 16:56:04 19-09-98 |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- | OZ HQ: Fluffy Net, MAXs PRO, NSA and LSD |
- `-------------------------------------------'
- FFL_14.LHA 24k 01 031098 __()__
- |) Oz .| GREMLiNS MAXsWARE .
- . ___|| ==( .
- . (_____/\/\_| Proudly presents :
- : \|(oo)|/ another MAXs Door |
- : ( -- ) |
- | __\ () /__ FFL v1.4 |
- | _/ /"`--'"\ \ |
- |_/ (_ _) \ Allows quick login |
- / __ / / __\_ for SysOp & Users |
- \_/ X Marty )(___ \ |
- `-\ /--------\_(___/-Long-Live-the-Amiga-'
- Section #6 - Not Online (damaged)
- aafiles.lzx 8018
- BBSlist.lzh 10528 BBS Lister
- Classifieds.lzx 49612
- DCQuoter.LHA 89198 /------------------------------------------\
- DCWall4000.LHA 62033 Another graffiti wall, for the great MAXs
- DeepSpace.lha 163993 Decent space type game for MAXs BBS...
- dfb-extra.lha 241654 DFB related Extra files..
- FOptimize2.2.lha 68441 Fast msg optimiser for MAXs BBS.
- gmdoor.lha 2420 Door enabling 2 sets of menus on the BBS.
- JC_101F.lzx 28373
- KBGchat.lzx 10186
- last5caller.lha 17517 Last 5 Callers update incl quick docs
- lotteryv20.lha 48503 Lottery type Game, for MAX's
- MAXDOOR.LHA 47795 +---[Ghandi Codes A Masterpiece For You]---+
- micropuzzle.lha 50239
- NChess.lha 24894 Game door -- Chess
- Nerix_v10.lha 5982 Cool game for MAXs BBS.
- NwUsersV1.5x.lha 17218 New User Door, for Maxs
- PWord11.lha 46848 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- ReadLog.lha 11271 Read some BBS events logfiles.
- SRFE2.lha 41338 Simple Remote File Editor..
- SuperFile.LhA 50392 -------------------------------------------
- TrboSpeech10.LhA 12419 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- TTT2.LhA 11052 .------------------------------------------.
- USGGRAPH.lha 7975 Hourly Usage graph util for MAXsBBS
- ziatzy2.lha 48974 Dice type game
- zk100fast.lha 25801 Swedish MAXs door, ZK
- Total Files In List: 761
- Total Space Used: 23 Megabytes